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Archived Blog Posts

Storm Damage Prevention: What You Should Do Before and After the Storm

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

Storm Damage Prevention: What You Should Do Before and After the Storm

Have you ever wondered how to prepare your home for the next big storm? It is not always easy to know what steps are necessary, but this blog post will give you some helpful tips. We'll discuss all of the things that can be done before a storm hits, as well as what should happen after the storm has passed. Keep reading for more information on how to protect your property from damage!

Preventive Things to Do Before the Storm

* Have a family meeting to discuss what should be done in the case of an impending storm.

* Ensure that all your windows are covered by sturdy shutters or impact-resistant glass, especially on the ground floor level. If possible, secure double hung windows with clips and braces so they cannot open more than five inches.

* Make sure that all doors and windows can be locked securely.

* Replace weather stripping on your exterior doors if it is worn out or missing, as this will help to lock heat inside during cold months and keep hot air from escaping in the summertime.

* If you have a basement, make sure that there are no pipes located near any outside walls to prevent them from freezing during cold weather. You should also install a sump pump in case the basement floods.

* Place any lawn furniture and heavy objects against your house so they won't blow away if there is high wind.

After The Storm Has Passed

You can always tell when a storm has passed by looking at the amount of debris left in its wake. If you have any downed trees or branches on your property, be sure to clean them up as soon as possible so they don't pose a safety hazard. Additionally, if there is a large amount of water pooling around the exterior of your home due to rain damage it may need to be treated by a professional who can repair the damage.

A Storm Damage Restoration Company

If you don't feel comfortable dealing with storm damage yourself, then your best course of action may be to hire a professional restoration company. These are the people who have all the necessary tools and equipment required to fix any damages that were done by high winds or rain. Even if you think there is only minor damage it's still better to get an outside opinion before making repairs so you will know exactly how much work needs to be done.

SERVPRO has been in the industry for many years and offers exceptional storm damage restoration and cleaning services. We will be able to repair your home and also remove any mold that has grown in the aftermath of a storm. When you hire SERVPRO, you can be rest assured that we are a certified company that can cater to all your cleaning and restoration needs.

Identifying Causes of Water Damage Is Important

6/13/2022 (Permalink)

Identifying Causes of Water Damage Is Important

Water damage is one of the most common home disasters to occur. It can be caused by a number of factors, but often times it is due to improper maintenance or installation of plumbing fixtures. Preventing water damage begins with identifying the causes and implementing strategies that will help you avoid it in the future.

Leaking Roof

One of the most common causes of water damage is a leaking roof.

This can be caused by loose or missing shingles, worn out caulk around chimneys and skylights, or broken flashing where roofs meet walls. Whatever the cause might be you should always try to identify it as soon as possible in order to prevent further damage from happening. This includes taking note of how much time has passed since there was last heavy rainfall so that you have an idea about what kind of repairs need to happen during drier weather when trees lose their leaves and your house is less likely to get damaged again due to foliage contact with your home's exterior. Once any leaks are repaired immediately look for other potential areas where water may seep through the roof and check them as well.

Faulty Plumbing Fixtures

Another common cause of water damage is faulty plumbing fixtures like sinks, tubs, or toilets that are not properly installed. These can lead to water leakage behind walls which may result in rotting wooden studs , mildew underneath flooring materials, warped sub-floors , peeling paint on interior surfaces etc. If you suspect any issues with your home's plumbing be sure to have it inspected by a licensed plumber so they can repair it before mold sets in.

Outdoor Water Damage - Poor Drainage Systems

Leaks from outdoor faucets often go unnoticed for extended periods because people don't normally spend much time outside during rainstorms. The best way to prevent damage from occurring is by installing a water sensor in your garden or lawn. This will activate an automated sprinkler system that can help you extinguish any potential fires before they get out of control.

Appliances That Use Water

Another major cause of water damage is leaking appliances that use water like dishwashers, washing machines, or refrigerators.

If you suspect any issues with your appliances be sure to have them inspected by a licensed plumber so they can fix the issue before mold sets in. If you are not able to afford repairs on these things right away look for cheap alternatives online without sacrificing quality and effectiveness. For example, some people even find success using dryer sheets instead of laundry detergent when doing their clothes!

Rain and Floods

Another cause of water damage is rain and flooding. If your home happens to get flooded you should not try to clean it yourself. Instead, contact professional flood remediation services in order to prevent mold growth inside the house which can be extremely hazardous for both humans and pets alike. If there are no signs of mold than simply airing out any rooms that have been affected by flooding will suffice until repairs begin. It's important that you do not use space heaters or other electrical sources when doing this because they could create a fire hazard.

When it comes down to preventing water damage in your home, identifying the causes of water damage is half the battle. The other half involves taking steps towards resolving those problems as soon as possible so they do not become an even bigger issue than they already are.

Why You Should Hire SERVPRO

6/11/2022 (Permalink)

Why You Should Hire SERVPRO

You can't control everything that comes with owning a business, but you can certainly prepare for the inevitable. One of those inevitabilities is fire and water damage. There's nothing worse than coming into work to find your building ruined and thousands of dollars’ worth of inventory destroyed by water or smoke damage. SERVPRO has been in the disaster recovery industry for years and we know what it takes to get your life back on track after an emergency situation like this occurs at your home or place of business. We've seen it all over our years in service. So if you are looking to hire a cleaning and restoration service then you should definitely hire SERVPRO.

We Have an Extremely Positive Word Of Mouth in the Market

We've been in business for many years. This means we are the go-to company when it comes to natural disasters that strike. It's pretty rare to find a business with that many positive reviews and testimonials from customers who walk away happy after using our service. We're all about quality customer service which is one of the reasons why SERVPRO has expanded into other areas like mold mitigation services. Our commitment to excellence will make sure you get everything your home or office needs during this difficult time.

Highly Trained Technicians and Cleaning Experts

We hire only the most qualified technicians. SERVPRO has some of the best cleaning and restoration teams with years of experience under their belt. We know how to get your home or business back into tip top shape after it's been hit by any type of natural disaster that causes water damage, fire damage or smoke damage. Working for a company like this one can be rewarding because you always feel like you're providing an important service to someone who needs our help during these tough times. You'll never need another provider when it comes to emergency response services once you've used us!

Advanced Technology for Cleaning and Restoration

You'll never have to worry about our technicians using outdated methods when it comes to services like water damage restoration, fire damage repairs and mold removal. We invest in the latest technology for cleaning your floors, carpets or hardwood. Our company is always looking ahead of the curve which sets us apart from other providers out there.

24/7 Service and Emergency Response

Our team is available around the clock. That means we'll come to your house or business and start cleaning up water damage, fire and smoke damage, no matter what time it is. Its nice knowing you can always rely on a company like SERVPRO for all of your emergency response needs. We're not going to judge you for calling us in the middle of the night either because that type of stuff happens from time to time! So don't hesitate when our office line rings after hours - pick it up every single time!

Efficient Process and Less Work for You

If you're like most people then you hate it when your home or business is in shambles after something bad happens. SERVPRO will make sure to get the process started as soon as possible so that we can help avoid further damage and inconvenience for our customers. You don't want to be stuck living out of a hotel room right? So let us take care of everything with lightning speed. Our technicians are experts at getting rid of water, smoke smell, fire damages and more without putting too much stress on the homeowner!

If you're looking for a trustworthy business that has been around for years then look no further than SERVPRO! Contact us today if you need more information on hiring the right service provider for emergency response needs.

Hire SERVPRO and Get Preventive Maintenance Tips for Disasters

6/11/2022 (Permalink)

Hire SERVPRO and Get Preventive Maintenance Tips for Disasters

If you are a business owner in the United States, there is a chance that your business could be affected by natural disasters more often that you would anticipate. It's better to have an emergency plan in place before it happens so you can minimize any damage and quickly get back up on your feet. SERVPRO has tips for preparing for emergencies like floods, fires, storms and more!

Prepare a Detailed Plan for Different Types of Disasters

Being prepared for different types of disasters is crucial. The SERVPRO blog has suggestions on how to be ready for these events:

- Floods - If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, make sure your business plans include this possibility. Consider having flood insurance and adjust the location of sensitive items like computers or paper files off the ground floor if possible. Having a plan will help everyone know what they need during moments when time isn't available! You can find out more about knowing what steps to take before floods here.

- Fire - Business owners should always prepare their employees about fire safety procedures like not throwing away burning cigarettes without properly extinguishing them first. Make sure all members are aware where fire escapes are located so no one gets trapped. If there is a fire, everyone must be prepared for an emergency evacuation immediately! You can find out more about how to keep your employees safe in the event of a fire here.

- Storms - Limiting damage due to storms starts with preparation and planning. Make sure you know where all company vehicles are located as well as any important equipment that could get damaged from lightning or fallen trees/branches. Know what areas may need special protection like solar panels on the roof so nothing gets overcharged during electrical storms since this can result in costly damages! For more tips read our blog post about protecting properties before storm season begins.

Prepare Your Employees to Be the Best First Responders Possible

Being able to respond quickly will go a long way in minimizing the damage and getting your employees back to work as soon as possible. Make sure each member of staff has a copy of evacuation plans for various emergencies like fire or flooding so everyone knows what they should do if it occurs. You can read more about keeping all members safe during an emergency here.

Keep a Reasonable Amount of Supplies for Emergency Situations

Have enough supplies on hand such as battery powered lights, food bars and water bottles that will last you at least 72 hours (the time it takes for professionals to get things up and running again). Keep these items out of sight but somewhere close by where anyone could access them easily in case there is no time to grab anything before evacuating the building!

Don't Forget to Have a Backup Plan In Case Things Don’t Go according To Plan

After preparing employees and the building, don't forget to plan for any unexpected situations that could happen during an emergency. You never know when your backup power may go out or if flooding will damage some of the equipment you need! Have any necessary items on hand so no matter what happens there is still a way to get back up and running without any delays!

Always Be Ready For the Unexpected

You should always be ready and prepared for the unexpected. Preparation for any emergency is the key to a quick recovery process. By having a plan in place, you'll be able to get back up and running again faster by limiting damages as much as possible!

Impact of Water Damage On The Property Value

6/10/2022 (Permalink)

Impact of Water Damage On The Property Value

Have you ever confused the term "water damage" with life-threatening water associated natural catastrophes like flooding or hurricanes etc.? Well, this is very likely to happen, but the term water damage is not used in this context rather it is a term that describes multiple damages caused by water leakage on your property thus making it decrepit in many ways.

It is a very slow and profound kind of deterioration as water travels along parallel surfaces thus eliciting its effect bit by bit. The destruction takes place in places that you've never noticed before, usually occurring deep within the walls, floors and ceilings. Destruction due to water mainly happens due to faulty plumbing possibly due to corroded and dripping pipes and toilets in addition to this, it is visible and prominent in places like bathrooms, kitchen and even refrigerators thus opening doors for multiple issues like fractured and swollen walls, growth of moulds, nasty smell, bumping and inflated paint etc.

Water damage has for sure negative impacts on the resale of the property and realtors or even property owners often face difficulties in making a sale deal for an already run-down property. One might think that what relation does water have with the property's value? This query is reasoned by stating fact that sellers generally highlight the pros and cons of the property when it is being sold having no clue about the destabilized foundations of the property chiefly done by the excessive water leakage until the new owner conducts the inspection and finds out about the declining state of the building.

Following are some ways through which water damage succeeds in lowering your house value:

Deflation in the price:

Water damage lowers your property's capital value as the price estimated for the restoration of the house is more as compared to its actual value thus whether you purchase a dilapidated property which is completely void from inside or you buy it and then spend large amounts of money on its restoration, Whichever the way is, you surely will be losing quite an amount of money.

Nil Electrical System:

Apart from making the property tattered, water damage disrupts the electrical layout of the building and a damaged electrical system is not only a threat to an individual's life but it further lowers the market value of the site.

Higher Chances of Re-occurrence:

A place that has been under the spell of water damage, might fall in the same pit again. This also makes buyers cautious once they are familiar with the problematic situation and ultimately your expectations of asking price are usually not met.

Water damage is more destructive than one can imagine and is brought into notice when the situation has aggravated tremendously. The control of water damage is a very expensive process as numerous problems need to be fixed for instance mould remediation, repairing of foundational and structural damages hence a lot of money is required for restoring a water damaged tumbled down mess to uplift its value.  

Tips To Prevent Basement Flooding

6/10/2022 (Permalink)

Tips To Prevent Basement Flooding

Flooding damage is expensive to repair. To save yourself from this cost you must take preventative measures so you don’t end up putting a dent in your pocket.

The main causes of flooding are overflowing gutters, cracks in the foundation, leaky windows, and water seeping into the walls. To make sure that all of this doesn't happen to your home, here are a few measures you can take.

Clean Your Gutters

An inefficient drainage system is the biggest cause of flooding. This is why you must clean your gutters and drainage system and get rid of any debris that may cause a blockage.

This will ensure the water to flow freely and drain efficiently without causing any damage to your home.

Maintain Proper Landscaping

You may be wondering what landscaping has got to do with basement flooding. However, if your hard grades towards your house then you are at a higher risk of basement flooding.

Your home grade needs to be directed away from the house. This is why your lawn should be properly sloped. To fix this problem you can opt for many landscaping solutions that can direct the water away if need be.

Inspect And Repair Any Cracks In Foundation

A small crack in the foundation or a window can cause the entire basement to flood. This is why you must have a routine foundation inspection so that such cracks can be filled and taken care of.

You can inspect it yourself and fill the crack with epoxy. However, if there is still leaking from somewhere then you should call a professional as soon as possible.

Get Window Well Covers Installed

If your basement has windows and they are protected by a well cover then they should be. This is a great way of letting some light into your basement while protecting it from water.

You can get a clear acrylic window well cover to get the most out of them. They will keep any water and pests out from your basement ensuring cleanliness.

Maintain Your Sump Pump 

Failure of sump pump maintenance is also one of the major causes of flooding. This is because a sump pump defends your home against many things such as flooding, mold, other water damage, etc.

However, for it to fulfill all these functions you need to maintain it too. Before any harsh weather conditions or storms, you should always get your sump pump checked.

If there are any problems then they should be quickly fixed so that your home can be prevented from flooding damage.

Final Words

Your home is your investment and your safe place. This is why maintaining it should be your topmost priority. However, if for any reason there is basement flooding or other water damage then you should immediately call a professional.

We offer all kinds of cleaning services and our expertise in this industry is unparalleled. For more information on what we offer, feel free to get in touch with us now! 

How to Pick a Water Damage Restoration Company

6/10/2022 (Permalink)

How to Pick a Water Damage Restoration Company

Are you looking for a water damage restoration company? If so, then this blog post is for you! There are many factors to consider when hiring a water damage restoration company. Understanding these questions before making your decision will ensure that the right choice is made and all of your needs are met. Check out our helpful tips below to find out more about what questions to ask and how to make an informed decision on which company to hire.

See If the Company is certified

Get a quote from the company that you have chosen. Check their license number to ensure they have insurance coverage in case something goes wrong during restoration services. If you can’t get an estimate on site then ask for one over the phone or email before hiring them so that there will be no surprise fees at the end of it all! Be sure to do some research into every company by looking up their reviews (be wary of Yelp). Read consumer reports online where other people who were satisfied with these companies leave feedback about their experiences. The more information out there means better chances of finding someone reliable!  

Check the online reviews

See what other people are saying about the company. If you’re not sure who to hire, check out the reviews and ratings of each company. This can help guide your decision when trying to find a water damage restoration company in your area! The more positive feedback that is found online about the business means it will be much easier for you to choose them. You should always try and set up an appointment with these companies so they can give you better estimates on how long it will take to get this task done as well as their rates. If possible try and do some research into what other people have said beforehand too because then there won't be any surprises at the end of this process!

Check Out Their Reputation

It is important that we know where our money goes after hiring someone. We can look up the company's license number to see if they are insured. If you aren't able to get an estimate on site, ask for one over email or phone before hiring them so that there will be no surprise fees at the end of it all! Do some research into every company by looking up their reviews (be wary of Yelp). You should also check out consumer reports online where other people who were satisfied with these companies leave feedback about their experiences. The more information out there means better chances of finding someone reliable!

Check if they have insurance coverage in case something goes wrong during restoration services

See if the company is insured so in case there is any problem during the restoration process the insurance can take care of it. This is why it is very important to always hire an insured damage restoration company.

Communities come together

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

On the night of July 27, 1994 the Limerick PA community suffered a horrific plight.  An F-3 tornado roared through the area and left absolute devastation in it's path.  It's rare to have a tornado in our area let alone, after 10pm so there were absolutely no warnings issued for a possible tornado from the National Weather Service based out of Mount Holly.  When the storm ripped through, it claimed the life of 3 people in one home and completely destroyed a few others.  Remembering how the community came together to support those, brings a warm feeling as opposed to the dread and horror we felt learning of the storm and the aftermath of the clean up.  Our team is always at the ready to help in any way we can.  Should you ever need our services, please reach out.  We're available 24/7 at 610-327-9644.

Leaky water heaters

5/3/2022 (Permalink)

Water heaters provide us with hot water to wash clothes, take long showers or to fill up the bathtub for a soak after a hard day. We all enjoy these conveniences, but everything comes with a caveat. What happens when the water heater leaks? A water heater was sitting on a sleeper floor and it had a very slow leak. The homeowners weren't alerted to anything because they didn't notice a drop in water pressure or anything that would tip them off. If this had been placed in a more prominent part of the home or if there was a significant change in water pressure or temperature, this situation could have been rectified. We recommend that you check your furnace, water heaters and other appliances at least once a month to spot problems before they start. Please reach out to our office 24/7 if you have any issue!  610-327-9644

Downspouts and drainage

5/3/2022 (Permalink)

Proper drainage and downspouts go hand in hand in preventing all types of water damage issues for you home or business.  If downspouts aren't long enough to carry the water away from the foundation it can leak through the ground and cause cracks.  It can also create general rot of any plants or shrubbery near your structure. But how do you know how long your downspouts need to be?  The general rule of thumb is at least 6 feet and you can achieve this by using downspout extensions.  You can use aluminum or plastic depending on your preference. Should you find yourself in our local service area from Pottstown to Souderton and everywhere in between, please feel free to reach out to us any time for an assessment of any damage. 610-327-9644

One Team

5/2/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton has teamed up with our King of Prussia franchise a few times in the past year to complete some pretty large losses in our area.  One of which was in Collegeville PA.  We had a rather large mold loss and we called in our back up, so to speak.  We got the environmental hygienist to come out and do air quality testing.  Once those results came back we followed the protocol as written and assembled all the team players. The job was completed in approximately 2 weeks and the post testing passed with flying colors. Working together is what we do to ensure that our customers, residential or commercial, get the best results. Please reach out to us any time at 610-327-9644.  We're here to help and we always act as #oneteam


4/30/2022 (Permalink)

When a fire broke out in a dryer at a local laundromat, SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton responded to the call and began work as soon as the fire chief released the building to us. The fire itself was primarily contained to one unit, but the smoke and soot damage was throughout the entire building. We needed to rent specialty equipment to properly clean all nooks and crannies of the entire space. It took a solid 4 days, but with hard work and dedication we were able to remove all the odors left by the fire and get the building back to it's preloss condition.  Everyone working as a team is the best way to achieve the best outcome. We're proud of our technicians and so thankful the owner gave us the opportunity to help in their time of need. 

Pollen and ducts

4/28/2022 (Permalink)

When was the last time you had your HVAC unit serviced?  At that point, did you also have the duct work cleaned?  Dirt, pollen, debris, rodents and bacteria build up in the ductwork over time and need to be cleaned. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a host of problems that no one wants. Everything from dry, scratchy throats to a full blown "allergy attack". As a general rule, ducts  should be cleaned at least 2 times per year. Commercial duct cleaning is a service offered by SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton for all of our customers; residential and commercial.  Perhaps you just purchased a home, or moved your business into a new space? You should consider putting duct cleaning on the top of your priority list!  We're here in your neighborhood and we're happy to help.  Give us a call!  610-327-9644

Always Available

4/25/2022 (Permalink)

There are many commercial buildings that SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton service.  We are not just your local mom and pop shop even though we are independently owned and operated. We have the backing of an entire franchise system to be able to assist you in your time of need. Our Disaster Recovery Team and our Storm Teams are ready at the drop of a hat. We service our local community from Pottstown, 19464 to Souderton, 18964 and everywhere in between. Did your business suffer a fire or water loss? We can help! Is your building full of mold? We've got that covered as well. Was there a bio-hazard or trauma that occurred? We strive to provide the best customer service no matter how large or small. We're here for our neighbors 24/7.  Give us a call! 610-327-9644 

Puff backs

4/14/2022 (Permalink)

Puff backs are a common occurrence in our industry especially over the winter months.  Comprised of home heating oil and soot, the amount of damage is staggering.  It doesn't look as drastic as a full blown fire, but it is certainly a large cleanup process and one that takes time. We recently completed a job in Pottstown, PA where the homeowner had suffered a puff back from her furnace. The house was built on a slab so the damage carried throughout the entire house.  It took a lot of people to coordinate the clean up process.  We brought in dry cleaners and specialists who know how to clean art and photographs to remove the soot build up so as not to damage the items any further. Working as a team is the best way to provide the best customer service!  Should you need our services, please reach out!  We are available 24/7 at 610-327-9644.

The difference between "Hail", "Sleet" and "Graupel"?

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

Here in Pottstown PA, we experience all types of precipitation throughout the year. this year was no exception with a mix of graupel, sleet and hail. What is the difference? The National Weather Service defines each as such:

"Graupel" - Heavily-rimed snow particles or snow pellets that can be irregularly-shaped. Riming process acts to "glue" snow crystals together and rain or partial melting adds an icy outer layer.  Graupel is usually less than 5mm in diameter and is typically white, soft, and crumbly and resembles snow more than hail or sleet". 

"Hail" - Hail forms via convective processes that exist in showers and cumuliform clouds.  Hail tends to be opaque/white while sleet is usually more transparent. Generally, if a "ball of ice" is greater than 5mm in diameter, it is considered hail as only convective processes would allow for such growth of the ice. 

"Sleet" - A hard, translucent ball of ice less than 5mm in diameter that bounces when it falls may be called sleet if it is formed the refreezing of liquid raindrops or partial melting of a snowflake.  This can occur via convective processes (when in a shower there is partial melting) or stratiform processes (i.e. overrunning of a stationary front).

**The term "ice pellets" may be used to describe either small hail or sleet, but not graupel. 

Storms like these always have the potential to bring water damages to your home or business.  The team at SERVPRO is ready to face that challenge! 

Spring Wildfires

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

Burning yard debris

It’s springtime in Pennsylvania, that means its wildfire season. The greatest danger of wildfires occurs during the spring months of March, April, and May, and the autumn months of October and November. Did you know that 99 percent of all wildfires are caused by people? Most frequently they start in someone’s backyard and travel through dead grass and leaves into bordering woodlands.

According to the Pennsylvania Wildfire Statistics there was a total of 1,263 wildfires in the months of March, April, and May of last year (2021) and a total of 1,371 for the whole year. Of course, fires can happen during any month or time of day, destroying woodland and wildlife, threatening human lives, homes, and buildings.

It is very important that you check with your township for burn bans and local ordinances on burning. If you decide to burn any debris, keep a close eye on what you are burning and make sure the fire is out completely when you are done.

Happy Spring from SERVPRO of Pottstown!

resource from: https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/Communities/Wildfire/Pages/default.aspx#:~:text=The%20greatest%20danger%20of%20wildfires,months%20of%20October%20and%20November.

Spaghetti Models

4/3/2022 (Permalink)

We know what spaghetti and meatballs are, but what about spaghetti models? According to www.trackthetropics.com 

"Spaghetti models (also called spaghetti plots, spaghetti charts and spaghetti diagrams) is the nickname given to the computer models that show potential tropical cyclone paths. When shown together, the individual model tracks can somewhat resemble strands of spaghetti noodles, hence the coining of this term!"

*GFDL (GFDL) was originally designed to forecast cyclones; it is considered one of the most accurate early model predictors on Earth as it creates a three-dimensional grid by combining information and data from multiple sources.  This info is stated on www.stormfacts.net

In Southeastern Pennsylvania, we hear this term a lot during "hurricane season" on our local news broadcasts.  Our SERVPRO franchise is prepared to assist in any way with water damage or flooding of any kind!  

Different Categories and classes of water damage.

3/30/2022 (Permalink)

Taking a look at a ceiling leak.

One of the most common property damages that may occur is caused by water. It’s one of the most popular reasons for home insurance claims. I’ll go over the different categories and classes, so you have a better understanding of different kind of damages.

 What are the categories of water?

The IICRC classifies water into three categories, and they pertain to the ranges of the contamination, after finding the water source and its quality after it goes through your property.

 Category 1 – Sanitary Clean Water

Sanitary water refers to the water that does not pose substantial risk from dermal, ingestion, or inhalation exposure. Essentially the purest kind of water, it’s also describing water with a small amount of contamination in it.  

 Category 2 – Significant Contaminated Grey Water

This type of water falls in the middle of the contamination levels in the IICRC standards. Contains significant contamination and has the potential to cause discomfort or sickness if contracted or consumed by humans.

Wastewater and diluted sewage would be considered a category 2.

 Category 3 – Grossly Contaminated Black Water

The IICRC defines it as water that contains persistent or non-volatile contaminants. Black water is the most contaminated water of the three.

Contamination can occur from many sources, including but not limited to:

  • Bacteria
  • Organic contaminants
  • Microbial growth
  • Industrial processes
  • Fecal matter
  • Insect Larva
  • Heavy metals

 What are the classes of water?

This refers to how wet an area, room, or structure have become.

 Class 1

 The least amount of water absorption. Water intrusion of less than 5 % of the area.

 Class 2

Significant amount of water absorption. Water intrusion of between 5% and 40% of the area.

 Class 3

Greatest about of water absorption. Water intrusion of more than 40% of the area.

 Class 4

Deeply held or bound water. Water intrusion involves a significate amount of water absorption. Drying may require special methods, and longer drying times.

The type of water category may change over time and can cause damage to your home or property, and the level of contamination in the water can also affect your property and your health.

If you suspect there is a leak of any category or class, reach out to us as at 610-327-9644 soon as possible for an inspection. 

Candles and damage they cause

3/29/2022 (Permalink)

Candles left unattended can cause unimaginable damage. SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton provided board up service and a clean out at a home in Pottstown earlier this year. Board up services provide security against break-ins and secondary damage. House fires cause more severe damage than most people realize.  When smoke within the house is significant, it will damage personal belongings. When those items are non-salvageable, the items must be inventoried and disposed of. In this particular case, we had to dispose of 90% of the customers possessions.  With a crew of 4, this process took a few days. After the cleanout is complete, demolition begins immediately followed by reconstruction. Demolition generally includes removing damaged drywall, floors and ceilings.  Reconstruction is the installation of new drywall that is hung, taped, spackled, sanded and painted. New flooring, be it carpet or laminate, and finally paint.  Getting the home finished is our prime goal so our customers can have a sense of normalcy again! 

Did you know?

3/29/2022 (Permalink)

Did you know that we service more than 30 areas located within Northern Montgomery County?

We serve Souderton 18964 and Franconia 18924, Palm 18070 and East Greenville 18041, Skippack 19474, Creamery 19430 and Phoenixville 19460, Upper Providence and Collegeville 19426, Arcola 19456 and Oaks 19456, Pennsburg/ Red Hill 18073 and Green Lane 18054, Salford 18957 and Salfordville 18958, Telford 18969 and Tylersport 18971 , Erlington 18918 and Woxall 18979, Sumneytown 18084 and Perkiomenville 18074, Frederick 19435, Harleysville 19438 and Mainland 19451, Mont Clare 19453 and Spring Mount 19478, Schwenksville 19473, Lederach 19450 and Zieglersville 19492, Barto 19504 and Bally 19503, Bechtelsville 19505, Gilbertsville 19525 and Sassamansville 19472, Linfield/Royersford/Limerick 19468 and Pottstown/Sanatoga/Stowe 19464.

The next time you have a water, fire, mold, or an odor issue, please give us a call at 610-327-9644

Why SERVPRO, Why not?

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is the largest restoration company in North America with over 1900 franchises to help you in your worst time. We are all independently owned so we really are a small mom and pop shop, however, we have the backing of that largest restoration company when we need it. We do it all! Got mold...we can remediate it and get you back to breathing healthier air. Water or fire damage...we'll get your home or business back to "Like it never even happened." Crime scene, trauma or bio-hazard...we have what it takes to get the job done utilizing our skills and our relationships with the DEP and EPA when necessary.  Post construction cleaning, duct and dryer vent cleaning, odor removal and general carpet cleaning. We are your one stop shop and we look forward to working you soon! 

SERVPRO and First Responders

12/15/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is a proud sponsor of the F1rst Responder Bowl!  We know that our 1st responders are a vital part of each community.  Our local Pottstown/Souderton franchise teamed up with our King of Prussia franchise and sponsored the Pennsylvania Firefighters Convention held in Limerick, PA this past September! The event kicked off with a golf outing and ended 3 days later with a parade of over 125 firetrucks from companies all over the state. Most SERVPRO franchises strive to show our support to our firehouses by dropping off cases of water or bringing in dinners or snacks on drill and meeting nights. We support them any way we can. They are the lifeline of help in times of distress. Know that we value them and their hard work more than we can possibly put into words.  If you are able, considering volunteering with your local Fire department, EMS or Police!  SERVPRO cares! 

Business Interruption Insurance

12/15/2021 (Permalink)

 Business interruption insurance is insurance coverage that replaces income lost in the event that business is halted due to direct physical loss or damage, such as might be caused by a fire or a natural disaster.

Earlier this summer we received a phone call about a fire extinguisher discharge at an indoor trampoline park. The fire was put out momentarily and there were no injuries to any staff members. Unfortunately, the chemical dust from the fire extinguisher was blown around when the fire department used fans to air out the building. Due to the nature of the chemical, the entire park needed to be shut down for approximately 2 weeks in order to be thoroughly cleaned. This could have been a whole different scenario had they not had this valuable insurance coverage. If you own a business, speak with your agent to determine a plan that best fits your needs. 

Holiday Fire Facts

12/13/2021 (Permalink)

holiday fire dangers

Did you know Christmas trees, holiday decorations, cooking and baking all present potential fire hazards during the winter months? According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.

The NFPA statistics underscore the increased risk of fires during the holiday season:

Christmas trees
  • Between 2015-2019 , U.S. fire departments responded to an average 160 home fires that started with Christmas trees per year. These fires caused an average of two deaths, 12 injuries, and $10 million in direct property damage annually.
  • Electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in almost half of home Christmas tree fires. Nearly one in five Christmas tree fires were stared by decorative lights.
  • In nearly one-fifth of the Christmas tree fires, some type of heat source, such as a candle or equipment, was too close to the tree.
  • One in five Christmas tree fires were intentional. These fires were more common in January.
  • Roughly three-quarters of Christmas tree fires occurred in December or January.
  • Almost two of every five home Christmas tree fires started in the living room.
Holiday decorations
  • U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 790 home structure fires per year that began with decorations, excluding Christmas trees, in 2015-2019. These fires caused an annual average of one civilian fire death, 26 civilian fire injuries and $13 million in direct property damage.
  • One in five home decoration fires occurred in December.
  • The decoration was too close to a heat source such as a candle or equipment in more than two of every five incidents.
  • Year-round, more than one-third of home decoration fires were started by candles. Cooking started 19 percent of decoration fires, 12 percent involved electrical distribution and lighting equipment, heating equipment was involved in 11 percent, 8 percent were intentionally set, and smoking materials started 7 percent.
  • Candles caused 45 percent of home decoration fires in December.
  • Between 2015-2019, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 7,400 home fires that were started by candles. These fires caused an average of 90 civilian deaths, 670 civilian injuries and $291 million in direct property damage.

  • On average, 20 home candle fires were reported each day between 2015-2019.

  • Three of every five candle fires started when something that could burn, such as furniture, mattresses or bedding, curtains, or decorations, was too close to the candle.

  • Candle fires peak in December and January with 11 percent of candle fires in each of these months.

  • Christmas is the peak day for candle fires with roughly 2.5 times the daily average.    

Holiday cooking
  • Cooking equipment was involved in one of every five (19%) of home decoration fires. This can happen when a decoration is left on or too close to a stove or other cooking equipment. 

According to NFPA heating equipment is the second leading cause of US home fire injurie's and third leading cause of home deaths during the winter months. Space heaters being the most involved in home heating fires, accounts for more than two of every five fires (44%).

From everyone here at SERVPRO, we hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holidays! 

Misconceptions About Mitigation and Restoration

12/6/2021 (Permalink)

Getting prepared for some restoration.

The biggest misconception about using mitigation and restoration services is that they are more expensive than the cost of replacing damaged items and structures. Most damages can be mitigated and restored for much less than it would cost to replace everything. A restoration team can save what is salvageable and replace anything that isn’t.

A dangerous assumption that some people make is that their water-damaged walls and carpets will dry on their own, eliminating the need for mitigation services. While this is partly true wet things may naturally dry over time, but carpets, furniture, and drywall can trap moisture deep within their materials, and mold can start growing in as little as 24 hours after water damage is incurred. With professional equipment and trained specialists who know the “drying standard” is the only way to ensure the property has been dried properly. 

 Many people believe that it would be a lot cheaper to take care of mitigation and restoration on their own. There is no denying that some people have the know-how to effectively mitigate and restore their property. However, a mistake in this process can be more costly and time-consuming in the long run.

The process of mitigating and restoring damages can be very dangerous and safer to hire professionals who have been trained for this line of work.

Christmas decorating

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

Being that today is December 1st, for some people, it is the official kickoff decorating day for the Christmas holiday season! What does this have to do with fire safety? We all want a warm, cozy feeling with lots of bright twinkly lights and a roaring fire to keep away the chill. We want to enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa or coffee to go with it. But how do you do that and do it safely? There are quite a few ways, actually.  Always use battery operated candles in any and all decorations that call for a tealight or votive. If you decorate your mantel, be sure that you are using greens that are not dry where an ember could spark a fire. If you are going to use real candles, save them for the dining room table when you have friends and family over to celebrate with you! We certainly hope you don't need us, but if you do, please call our office at any time 610-327-9644.

Thunder what???

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

Thundersnow!  What is thundersnow and what causes it?  Thundersnow is a rare winter storm event that occurs when thunder and lightning happen during a snowstorm. ... If it all comes together, that enhanced upward motion of air increases snow growth and causes enough electrical charge separation within the cloud for lightning to strike, according to abc news in a story published on March 7 2018. Other than being cool to experience and look at, what do you know about weird weather phenomena's?  What ever type of storm damage you incur, know that the team at SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton is here and ready to help! We are one team and we care about our communities.  You can reach us at our office line 24/7 at 610-327-9644.  


7/6/2021 (Permalink)

According to NSSL, The National Severe Storms Laboratory, there are many different types of storms. Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Floods, Lightning, Hail, Damaging Winds, and Winter Storms top their list.  Lightning is one of the oldest observed natural phenomena on earth. It can be seen in volcanic eruptions, extremely intense forest fires, surface nuclear detonations, heavy snowstorms, in large hurricanes, and obviously, thunderstorms.  What is lightning? By definition from NSSL "Lightning is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the air, or the ground. In the early stages of development, air acts as an insulator between the positive and negative charges in the cloud and between the cloud and the ground. When the opposite charges build up enough, this insulating capacity of the air breaks down and there is a rapid discharge of electricity that we know as lightning. The flash of lightning temporarily equalizes the charged regions in the atmosphere until the opposite charges build up again."  Always heed warnings and seek shelter indoors and away from windows and doors when lightning is occurring. 

Sump pump failures; there's more to it!

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

This past weekend, the area of SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton received a substantial amount of rainfall. Our phones were ringing as early as Saturday morning with customers who required our assistance since their sump pumps failed the night before. We were able to get onsite to asses the damage and then make decisions and best course of action. If the rain had stopped, we could have pumped out the water then left equipment to begin the dry out. However, since it was still raining and continued to do so until Late Sunday evening, that presents a challenge. You can't run the risk of the equipment getting wet as that could cause a short in the electrical systems which could have led to a fire.  All in all, our customers understood the dangers and agreed to let us come back yesterday and today to place equipment and properly dry out the affected areas.

Sopping Memorial day

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

The South Eastern portion of Pennsylvania is gearing up for a very interesting Memorial Day Weekend; weather wise, that is.  The forecast is calling for rain this afternoon, through Saturday and Sunday and finally stopping on Monday.  Normally, that would just be depressing over a 3 day weekend, but considering we haven't had rain for almost a month, the ground is exceedingly dry. If we get a lot of wind with this storm front, that will add to the dangers of power outages and overall nastiness. With it being so dry, the literal dust will kick up first, then the rain, which makes it almost clay like, will cause loss of visibility. Let's hope that it truly doesn't get to that point, but we need to be as prepared as possible.  

Emergency Ready Plans

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

If you own a business, you know that anything could go wrong at any moment. Are you prepared to handle it when the time comes?  Most business owners feel confident that they would know what to do, until it actually happens and then they are worried and floundering. An Emergency Ready Plan or ERP with SERVPRO is a great way to take some of that stress off of you!  We will formulate a plan with you so that all moving parts are in one place and will make things that much easier if and when the time comes. We will know where the main shut off is for the water or electric. We will know who your insurance carrier is so that we can handle all the paperwork for you.  We will make it "Like it never even happened."

Continuing Education

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO we are always learning new things!  In this line of work, a new product or procedure comes along very frequently.  How do we keep up with all the changes in the industry? Not only do our technicians take courses through IICRC to stay on the forefront of technology, but our offices offer CE or Continuing Education classes. These classes are open to anyone who may benefit as well as those people who are required to show a certain number of hours per year depending on their licenses and certifications. With the current state of the world, we are offering these classes online in a "Zoom" type setting. Please reach out to your local SERVPRO office to inquire about these courses and to get on the list of scheduled attendees. 

An apple a day.....

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

There's an old saying that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away".  That's great and there is probably a lot of truth to that based on a healthy diet and exercise regimen. When the pandemic hit last year, that slogan sort of lost its luster. No one really knew what was going on or how to treat it, they just knew they had to try. No one is suggesting that eating an apple a day would have avoided the situation, but it can't hurt. Our local franchise teamed up with the local hospital and we donated much needed PPE at that particular time. We are as active in our communities as we can be.  We support eating healthy, proper exercise and when things get worse, your local docs are there....and so is SERVPRO. SERVPRO cares and we are here for our friends and neighbors no matter what the situation! 

Grill Safety

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

Is there anything better than a hot dog or a burger cooked on a grill? We think not. The smell, the taste, the excitement! Warmer weather, longer amounts of daylight, gatherings with friends and families....it just doesn't get any better. Memorial Day weekend is always considered the "Unofficial" start of Summer. It's generally the 1st use of the grill since putting it away in the fall. In order to avoid any issues or even a horrific fire, make sure you properly clean your grill before firing it up for the first time.  Be sure your tank has plenty of gas and make sure the grill is at least 10 feet from any structure! Almost 60% of American's use their grills on Memorial Day and while we support that idea, we do worry about the safety of all. We certainly hope you don't need us, but your local SERVPRO franchise is on call and is prepared in case something goes horribly wrong. 

Hose bibs

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

Slip N Slides provide lots of entertainment for both young and old. They are designed to offer hours of fun in the sun and a way for everyone to cool off on hot summer days. They're easy to install; just hook it up to your hose and let enough water wet the plastic and away you go. But what happens when your hose bib is leaking inside your home? Most people don't think much about this but it can cause a multitude of problems.  If you have a leak and aren't aware of it, you could be setting yourself up for a serious mold problem and water damage to your home. Inspect your hose bib before use to avoid this and any other problems.  If you do have any type of loss, be sure to reach out to your local SERVPRO franchise to mitigate the problem promptly! 

But I have Insurance!

5/25/2021 (Permalink)

My damaged property should be covered by my property insurance carrier. Not so fast! What’s the difference between water damage vs. flood damage? Unfortunately, many people believe that water damage and flood damage are automatically covered through their property insurance. As a property owner, it is very important to understand the difference between water damage and flood damage and how each scenario may be or may be not covered by your insurance carrier. WATER DAMAGE is usually caused by water originating from plumbing, such as a pipe backup, clogged toilet, dishwasher, washing machine, frozen pipe, leaking roof, sump pump malfunction and/or any other internal plumbing issue. A FLOOD DAMAGE is usually caused by water originating from a natural occurrence such as a hurricane or heavy rain event. It is so common for property owners to believe homeowner’s insurance will cover for flood damage. Remember, homeowner’s insurance does not cover for flood damage. Most likely your policy will usually cover for water damage only, it will not pay for damages related to a flood event. Again, it is imperative to remember that flood damage and water damage are two distinct insurance coverage policies and possibly two different insurance companies. It is always best to discuss your coverage and coverage needs with an insurance professional and understand what is and what is not covered by your insurance carrier in case of property damage.

What the Hail?

5/25/2021 (Permalink)

What is hail?  By definition of NationalGeographic.com "Hail is precipitation that is formed when updrafts in thunderstorms carry raindrops upward into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere."  Hail can be severe and affects homes, cars, aircraft, livestock and people. It can be deadly. Hail generally occurs in the summer months and can happen anywhere in the world, but Kenya holds the record for most days, 132, in one year, according to data from 2016. Hail can fall anywhere between 15-40mph depending on the severity of the storm. If you experience hail damage to your home or business you will want to reach out to your insurance carrier as soon as possible. You're local SERVPRO franchise is familiar with mitigating the damage from hail storms.  

Domestic Pigeons

5/24/2021 (Permalink)

Domestic Pigeons are one of the oldest birds in recorded history. Researchers say they can be traced back almost 10,000 years. Pigeons were used as messengers during multiple wars as a means to trade information.  It's interesting to think that this was a very probable use for them 160-200 years ago. Pigeon droppings can make people ill so it's extremely important to be mindful where you walk and what you track onto your shoes. SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton has cleaned many a balcony of a retirement community that has a huge pigeon population. Not only are the droppings unsightly, but they can cause health issues for the residents. We clean them and use an anti-microbial spray to be sure and keep the bacteria at bay.  

Relationship advice

5/24/2021 (Permalink)

No matter what type of loss occurs at your home or business, you're going to want the professionals to be the ones doing the work. All 1700+ franchises are independently owned and operated, however, we work with each other to provide the best service possible to our customers. Regardless of the loss, be it fire, water, mold, bio, or Covid we are your one stop shop.  We have formulated relationships with all of the insurance companies and we handle all the paperwork and communication for you. You can trust that we do everything in line with IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification) guidelines and each Insurance carrier's requirements that they set forth. Should you have a loss, we encourage you to call your local SERVPRO franchise! 

Are you prepared?

5/17/2021 (Permalink)

We all know of the dangers involved with storms of any kind, but are we truly prepared to deal with it if and when it happens?  Storms aren't just thunder and lighting and wind. They can be a full scale power outage with downed tree branches or whole trees blocking roadways and creating havoc. What is your escape plan should you need one?  When was the last time you and your family sat down, discussed an escape plan and then practiced it?  Most don't even think about it until it happens. Being prepared is sincerely the best option. You must take all things into account and make a plan based on the info you have at the time. Come up with alternate routes to leave your home if it comes to that. Always keep your info in an easy to grab spot so you aren't floundering later to find it. Your local SERVPRO office can and will help you formulate a plan should you request one. 


5/17/2021 (Permalink)

Tornadoes are one of the most awesome and terrifying of storms. They wreak a lot of havoc and loss of life. To this day the worst tornado in U.S. History was the Tri-State tornado that ripped through Missouri, Illinois and Indiana in March of 1925.  It killed 695 people in the 3 1/2 hours that it lasted.  The length was 219 miles.  It was deemed as an F5 on the Fugita scale (which did not exist in 1925) but is used measure the severity of tornadoes. We don't get many tornado's in our part of the country, but when they do happen, they are devastating. Along with the wind damage, there can also be water damages and power outages as well.   

Is your HVAC up to par?

5/17/2021 (Permalink)

HVAC units need to be cleaned and properly maintained in order to provide optimum performance. If you haven't had your system serviced in a while, you should do so as soon as possible.  Something as small as a condenser can cause a lot of damage whether you realize it or not. If it is leaking, it can release water into areas of your home that if gone unnoticed, will cause mold. Mold will continue to grow as long as it has a moisture source.  If you suffer with allergies, you are generally more prone to be affected by mold spores. Have your unit's serviced 2x per year; spring and fall. This will help to detect any leaks or issues and will prevent a larger problem later on. 

Are you under insured?

5/14/2021 (Permalink)

Most homeowners don't think about the policy until they need to put in a claim.  It's only when an actual loss occurs that they dig out the policy, and call or go online to file a claim. The big question now becomes, is it a covered loss and do you have enough in your limit to pay for the mitigation, mold remediation (if needed) and the reconstruction?  Sadly, most people don't. If you have a sump pump, make sure you have sewer and drain backup on your policy. Even then, most people put a limit of $5,000-$10,000 - that just isn't enough. To be covered, make sure you that your limit is at least $20,000.  For any other questions, please reach out to your local SERVPRO; we're always here to help.

Power strip

5/7/2021 (Permalink)

Storms come in all shapes and sizes. Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms...the like of which we all see at some point no matter where we live. One of the biggest issues is lack of power. If the electric goes out, we either kick on the generator or hope the power comes back on in a few hours. When the power comes back on, it generally creates a surge of electricity. We don't normally think anything of it, unless something that should be working isn't.  With this in mind, what do you have plugged into your power strip and when was the last time you checked it's integrity? Power strips tend to be the 8th wonder of the world, but they can cause a fire in a heartbeat if they are overloaded or too old. Make it a point to check them frequently to avoid any type of damage!

Wow, did we get a lot of rain!

5/7/2021 (Permalink)

Now you have a flooded basement. SERVPRO of Pottstown / Souderton will begin the water extraction process immediately upon arriving at your property. Depending on the amount of water will dictate what extraction process is utilized. Removing the water ASAP will reduce overall drying time and helps prevent secondary water damage, mold and bacterial growth. Our overall inspection of the affected areas will also concentrate on the flooring to determine if the floor material will be salvaged or removed to protect the underlying subfloor. Once the water extraction process is completed, the affected areas such as walls, floors, etc., may appear dry but will definitely require further additional attention. Many building materials are porous and thus absorb water. Any absorbed and retained water can cause porous materials to deteriorate, warp, and/or grow mold. SERVPRO will then implement a wide range of equipment to specifically dry out the wet affected materials. Equipment such as air movers (fans), dehumidifiers, heaters, etc., to accelerate the overall evaporation process and eventually return the property back to its preloss condition.

The unseen damages from a fire

5/5/2021 (Permalink)

Unfortunately, you have experienced one of the biggest fears of being a property owner, A Fire! A fire not only damages and destroys what the human eye can only see, but also damages the unseen. Such as damages to your property’s HVAC system. When a dwelling fills up with smoke as a result of a fire, this same smoke is pulled into he HVAC system and distributed and circulated throughout the system. Be it smoke from grease, food, plastic, wood, furniture, etc., that smoke get captured inside the HVAC system’s air ducts. The offensive smoke odors will contaminate the ducts as well as attaching odor to any debris or dust within the ducts and filters manifesting into a lingering smell. An offensive smell that will definitely lead to poor air quality within the dwelling. In addition, clogged HVAC air filters will cause the HVAC system to work harder and possibly leading to a shortened system life. Weather the fire is extinguished via water or fire extinguisher, the HVAC system definitely requires a thorough cleaning. For these reasons, it is always mandatory following any type of fire that the HVAC system be inspected and cleaned to remove any dust, grease, debris buildup that will leave a lingering smell if not properly addressed.

Ole Black Water

5/4/2021 (Permalink)

Every water damage restoration firm knows that sewage water is classified as “Category 3” (also known as “Black Water”) because it is grossly contaminated with fungi, bacteria, mold and other various nasty pollutants. As compared to lesser contaminated water sources that are classified as category 1 and category 2 types of water contamination.

Sewage water back up contamination to a home or business property is the most serious form of water damage mitigated by your local SERVPRO restoration experts. There can be serious health risks from being exposed to and or coming in contact with viruses, bacteria and other contaminants that are associated with category 3 and black water contamination. Quickly and professionally dealing with a category 3 / black water contamination is the best and safest course of action. SERVPRO technicians have specialized and certified training to quickly and properly clean contaminants like sewage water and other category 3 damages. When the mitigation / clean up process is complete, your property will be dry and free of contamination and ready to be restored to its original condition.

Who to call after a fire

5/4/2021 (Permalink)

One of the most devastating damages to a property is the result of a fire. SERVPRO has the capabilities to respond to such emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. SERVPRO technicians are always ready to respond to your fire, smoke and soot emergencies. Our highly trained staff will first inspect the fire and smoke damages to your property and belongings. Along with an assessment of the damages, a plan of restoration will be established to move forward to begin the process to restore your property to its original condition. SERVPRO will initially sort, pack and remove your clothing, furniture and all other salvageable belongings for cleaning and self-storage. In addition, we will carefully inspect and document all personal belongings that are damaged beyond repair and carefully document for possible reimbursement through your insurance carrier. SERVPRO will then proceed to remove and clean your property of all damaged building materials to permanently remove all smoke odors.

From minor soot damage from a small kitchen fire to a large structure fire, SERVPRO will coordinate with you and your insurance carrier to reconstruct your property to its pre-fire condition and return your belongings so life can get back to normal as soon as possible.

Professional relationships

5/4/2021 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO, we've seen it all, but sometimes there are things that are out of our wheelhouse. We recently finished a job at a large manufacturing facility that had experienced a non-toxic spill inside of the plant. Although it was quite a large mess with over 300 gallons of product, we completed the job and it looked like "It never even happened" by the time we were finished.  They called us back a few weeks ago and were requesting our help once again; only this time, the spill was outside in the parking area.  Being that the substance was petroleum based, we were not able to help in that particular situation. We got them in touch with the proper EPA and DEP representatives and the issue was handled properly and by all regulations. 

Loss of Revenue?

5/4/2021 (Permalink)

Today’s business environment is all too vulnerable with the covid shutdowns, lack of customers, slow economy and the ongoing shortage of employees. The very last thing a commercial or retail business needs is a shutdown from a water damage. As a business owner, one can never predict how and when a water damage is going to adversely strike and affect your business. A water damage can unexpectedly arise from a plumbing leak, rainstorm, roof damage or any other catastrophic occurrence. However, any one of these events can drastically interrupt the daily operations of any commercial or retail establishment to the tune of lost revenue. If your business or commercial building has sustained a water damage, immediate and prompt water mitigation is vitally important. Emergency response from a restoration company such as SERVPRO is fundamental in making sure that you can save and salvage as much as possible. Acting fast can make the difference between a small interruption of business to a few days of lost revenue or unfortunately having to shut down completely in the long term if proper water damage mitigation is not performed.

"Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires"

5/3/2021 (Permalink)

"Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires" is a phrase coined by Smokey the Bear. He's the mascot used to teach young and old about the dangers of Wild fires. Since 1944, Smokey has been the one icon that everyone knows as soon as you see him. His message is clear; only humans can prevent forest fires. When enjoying the great outdoors, we need to remain vigilant that we do not do anything that could accidentally start a forest fire. Make certain that when you go to sleep at night, your fire is completely out and no hot embers can escape and cause destruction. In general, every day life, do not flick cigarettes from cars or trucks. Not only is the littering and illegal, it's also very dangerous. 

Mold Mold Go Away

1/11/2021 (Permalink)

Though we can't wish it away we can take it away and that is what we did for a private school in the area. When our operation manager went and inspected the area in question, he found mold. As soon as he got back to the office he made the needed phone calls to the insurance company, once that was done we started doing inventory of the entire room. This can be a tedious process, then we sealed off the rooms and created negative air. After treatment to the walls and everything with mold, clearing plastic and general cleaning. The maintenance director said it looks" "Like it never even happened." That is the SERVPRO way of doing things we go the extra mile to make as "Like it never even happened."  

Annual chimney cleaning

12/9/2020 (Permalink)

According to the CSIA Chimney Safety Institute of America, a clean chimney, generally speaking, will not catch fire. Some of the causes of chimney fires are creosote buildup, unseasoned wood, or a cold chimney. Creosote is an oily substance that will build up on the walls of your chimney over time. It can look yellow, brown, or dark brown to black in color. It can cause a mixture of tar, phenolic compounds, or aromatic hydrocarbons. It is highly flammable and can cause a fire if not treated properly. Some people have reported signs of loud cracking and popping noises, a hot smell, and a dense smoke. You should have your chimney cleaned annually by a certified chimney sweep. The Chimney Safety Institute of America can give you or your loved ones a good referral.   

Home owners insurance

12/9/2020 (Permalink)

When was the last time you looked at your homeowners insurance policy? Do you know what you are covered for? More importantly, do you know what will not be a covered loss? Most people don't. Ground water is never covered by any insurance carrier. If it does not  physically happen inside the walls of the home, chances are it is not covered. If your sump pump fails for whatever reason and you don't have sewer and drain back up, it will not be a covered loss. All these things you wish someone would tell you ahead of time. Well we just told you. SERVPRO cares and we want to make sure your home and life get back to running smoothly as soon as possible.

We can do that

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

We at SERVPRO are confident in saying that we have seen it all, however, sometimes even we get a little surprised. We just recently finished a biohazard clean up job in a hearse. Yes, a hearse. They were transporting a body from one funeral home to another and something caused a leak. Bodily fluids along with embalming fluid and other things seeped out of the bag and through the vehicle. The customer attempted to mitigate the situation themselves using bleach but the odor was still evident and it was not truly clean and safe. There are so many toxins involved when you are dealing with something like this. It may never happen again, and we hope it won't but if it does, we are prepared. Should you find yourself in a situation like the one mentioned, remember SERVPRO, "Like it never even happened." 

It can be dangerous

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

If you work in any type of office setting one thing rings true no matter what type of business; no one can agree on the temperature of the office!! Some like it cool cool, some like it warm, some do not even know what temperature they would desire. For those that get cold, they reach for the portable space heater. While there is nothing wrong with that, it all depends on how you use it. The most common way is to plug in to a power strip. While this may seem ideal, it's the most dangerous. The fires that are proven to have been started from space heaters and power strips is staggering. Space heaters should never be plugged into power strips or extension cords as they can not handle the current. Plug them into the wall.

Determining the cause of fire

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO before restoration begins we will test the area where soot got on the artifact, then we will determine the type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information. Wet smoke caused by plastic or rubber, can produce a pungent odor usually a sticky smeary soot results. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean. Now dry smoke from paper or wood is fast burning high temperatures heat rise so smoke also rises. Protein fire residue produced by evaporation of material rather than from fire is virtually invisible, discolors paint and varnishes, and has a extremely foul odor. SERVPRO fire damage restoration services are ready to tackle the problem with equipment and knowledge to bring your property back to it's original state. 

Might be a mansion, but it is moldy

7/17/2020 (Permalink)

Concern about indoor exposure to mold and biological pollutants has been increasing as the public becomes more educated and aware that mold exposure can cause a variety of health effects. Modern building materials and construction techniques may reduce the amount of outside air permeating into a building, to assist in ventilation. As a consequence, resulting in unwanted and unhealthy levels of high moisture trapped within a building. In addition, the use of modern humidifiers, and lack of ventilation in the heating system, kitchens and air conditioners can increase the chances of too much moisture encouraging the growth of harmful biological pollutants. The main preventive action to deter and or control mold growth is moisture control. Solve the moisture problem and you will solve your mold issues. Remember, SERVPRO "Like it never even happened." 

Rain Rain Go Away

7/10/2020 (Permalink)

I have not seen this much rain in one day as today in the Berks county and Montgomery county areas. It has been non stop rain, heavy rain at that. I mean heavy, one of the major roads here was closed for a puddling of water on the roadway no one could get through. That is just one example of amount of water in the area. Some of the area is under flood warning. Tropical storm Fay is to blame for all this rain in fact I heard 3 to 5 inches of water when the storm ends. The bottom line is that there is nothing that will keep us from getting to our customers when they need us because we at SERVPRO live "Like it never even happened."

A person alone

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

On the date of June 7, we got a call to do a Biohazard job. It seems by the way that the landlord was talking to me about the job, when he called that the woman in question had died in her apartment. With that info we went in to the apartment, and found a mess of body fluids and flies everywhere. So with full PPE we began the job of doing the cleaning for the Biohazard. Our dumpster guy set up and we began to clean the apartment, one thing that we noticed was that there were feces spots and urine spots under the clothing on the floor. This meant we had to gut the entire apartment so with that in mind we started to gut the apartment. It was so sad that poor lady she passed and did not have anyone to fend for her.       

Here comes the rain again

6/3/2020 (Permalink)

As it says in the heading here comes the rain again. And it is a whopper of a forecast we have in the Philadelphia area. In fact the long range outlook is that it looks like a rainy season ahead of us. In the Pottstown area just today there was a suspected tornado that moved through. All of these things add up to damage in the home or business. This means a spike in business for SERVPRO, weather it is due to water or storm or both our SERVPRO team is ready to fight the issues that come up with water loss or storm damage. You can bet that our trained technicians can handle it. Because here at SERVPRO we live by the model "Like it never even happened."

What do I do?

5/26/2020 (Permalink)

As we come together once again, in the middle of a public health crisis it will be very important to get back in the swing of things as easily as possible. We have a crisis on our hands and tackling it will be very strategic and measured so as to not promote the increase of the virus. We can all do our part to make the switch back to the "normal" world as easy as possible. As Gov Wolf stated many times people have to do their part. As part of one of the nation's largest restoration companies we can lead the way. They say that we lead by example, the way we do our work and the quality will speak louder than words. SERVPRO: "Like it never even happened." 

Do you know fire?

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

The damage to your property following a fire can often be complicated due to the unique behavior of smoke. There are 2 different types of smoke-wet and dry. As a result there are different types of soot residue. SERVPRO has the training needed in fire cleanup and restoration and they know the different types of smoke and the way they usually behave. You see the way a fire job is handled is related to the result you will obtain when the job is finished. Did you know SERVPRO professionals are trained in the latest way of handling a fire loss? For example hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure. Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes. SERVPRO has the know-how to make certain your property is like pre loss condition.

Have you checked the smoke detectors

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

The national fire protection association recommends that smoke detectors be installed in every bedroom, outside of all sleeping quarters and on every level of the house. Smoke alarms work best when they are combined with a fire evacuation route that allows your family or customers a way to safety. Smoke detectors should be on every level of the home including the basement. They should be installed away from the kitchen to prevent false alarms and at least 10 feet from all appliances. Test your detectors at least once per month by using the test button at the bottom of every smoke detector. If it begins to randomly chirp change the batteries immediately. Smoke detectors are only good for ten years after that they need to be replaced. 

Think again

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

Think SERVPRO is just fire and water mitigation? Think again. We are a multi-faceted company that not only does water and fire mitigation but also mold remediation and abatement, bio hazard clean up and general cleaning. We do everything  from cleaning carpets to sewer backups to mold removal and any type of bodily fluid cleaning. You just never know what situation you may walk into; that is why it is good to know SERVPRO has the knowledge to do the job right the first time. We are here in your local community and we are available to you or anyone you may know 24 hours a day. That's right any time give us a call and we will take care of the issue.  

Is it raining?

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

When you own and operate a business you have the responsibility to always protect your employees and customers. One of the ways this is done is by installing a sprinkler system in case of a fire.  For the most part sprinklers are the best defense against the fire allowing precious moments for people to escape until the fire department can get on site and begin the work. What happens when the sprinkler system malfunctions? This is exactly the case that this picture shows. There was a software glitch that set off the sprinkler system overnight. Thankfully no one was in the building at the time and there were no reported injuries. As you can see the ceiling itself collapsed under the weight from the built up water. 

Bad storm

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

Some of us watch the weather like it is our job and we let it dictate our lives. We try to plan events around certain times of the year to be able to avoid having to cancel due to a nasty storm. Sometimes no matter what you do, you will find yourself in the path of a horrific storm. The Midwest and deep south has seen the storms in the form of tornadoes. They lash out and no one can stop the path of a tornado. It is not always, but we get tornadoes in Pennsylvania every once in a while. What would you do if you were in that situation? It is something to ponder because it does happen and if you get caught in a storm SERVPRO will be here.

May flowers

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

As the old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. In some cases, they also bring unwelcome water intrusions to your home or business. We have had higher than normal amounts of moisture in the ground via snow melt and rain storms this past winter. With this the ground is completely saturated and that can cause sump pump failures as well as general leaking through foundations. If left untreated, the water can become hazardous to your health. Most of the time the water is too much for people to handle on their own. They usually try to vacuum it with a wet dry vac but it is not always enough. You will need to call in help who can come armed with air movers and to properly mitigate the issue.

Do you have flood insurance

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

Old man winter brings beauty in the form of fresh fallen snow. glistening icicles and a general calmness. But when that is all over it is time to dig out the shovels and plows clear roadways and then the dreaded salt on our cars. But what about the affects it has on our homes and businesses? Freezing temps can cause pipes to burst of freeze which then renders a water loss. If you don't have flood insurance your claim may not be covered by insurance. Double check your limits and coverage so you don't get left out in the cold. Should you find yourself in need of our services remember we are your neighbors 24 hours a day SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton here for you.

Flooding possible

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

According to FEMA, flash floods can bring walls of water from 10 to 20 feet high. Flooding can be caused by spring thawing snow and frozen grounds melting in the spring, heavy rain, snow melt runoff, and mudflows. Floods are the most widespread natural disaster aside from wildfires. In preparation for a flood, it is important to stock up on first aid items, non perishable floods, three gallons of water per person. A 2000 square foot home undergoing 12 feet of water damage could cost more than $50,000 to repair. Call your local SERVPRO they can help you asses your damage. Did you know that SERVPRO handles cases like the one presented. Our operations manager will handle the claim in its entirety from start to finish.

Tomato juice baths?

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

No matter where you live in the United States, you are always surrounded by nature. And by nature we mean animals. We believe most people feel uneasy when they come face to face with a skunk. Images of tomato juice baths and showers jump in our heads. Not to mention the smell. It is probably something you don't think about until it happens to you. So what do you do when your dog comes back at night and he has been sprayed? Now your house smells of skunk. We at SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton we have seen this and have thoroughly cleaned homes after a skunk spray. Call us at SERVPRO if you ever need our services but we certainly hope you won't. But if you do, you know we are just a phone call away. 

Let the pros take of it

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

So picture it: your house is under contract for sale and you are less than two weeks away from settlement when you have a massive water loss. The area has been inundated with rain for days on end and you have never had a flooded basement before, but here you are. You need to get the basement mitigated, dried out, and reconstructed prior to settlement. What do you do? You call SERVPRO. We are trained to take the stress off of you. Together with assistance of all the team working on your house, SERVPRO, subcontractors, et cetera, will make it happen for you and have your home back to you. When you have professionals working together to help a customer it is as good as done.

Storm is a coming

5/5/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition. Faster response is how we work. Since we are locally owned and operated, we are are able to respond quicker with the right resources which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost. When storms hit Pottstown, Harleysville, Souderton, Telford, Phoenixville, Collegeville, East Greenville, Limerick, Royersford, Red Hill, Skippack and surrounding areas we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 SERVPRO offices across the country. It is true what was said in other blogs, SERVPRO can be as large or as small as you need us to be. 

Emergency, are you ready?

5/5/2020 (Permalink)

Always be prepared for an emergency with a supply kit. No matter where you live in the country, disasters of all kinds can affect you, so here are some ideass for an emergency supply kit.

Water 1 gallon per person per day. Food non perishable 3 day supply. Manual can opener. Battery operated radio preferably noaa weather radio. Flashlight and extra batteries. First aid kit. Whistle to signal for help. Clothing, dust masks and bandanas, Plastic sheeting, garbage bags, duct tape, zip ties. Wrench or pliers to turn off utilites. Personal hygiene items. Documents copies of insurance, bank account, cash. If you find yourself in a situation where there is a possible evacuation, make sure to wear clothing as opposed to your pajama, the point is have one change of clothes with you.

Mother Nature

5/5/2020 (Permalink)

All over the globe millions of people are affected by natual disasters every year. These can be wildfires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, or tsunamis. Depending on where you live, these can be more prevalent. In the Midwest, you expect more tornadoes. In California, earthquakes and wildfires spread by the Santa Anna winds. In the Northeast, we have some rain or flash flooding with remnant of a hurricane. For some people it was the strangest 10 or 15 seconds of their lives. The strange thing is that some people felt it others did not, we talking about the earthquake that had it's epicenter in Virginia. It was a rare thing to have happen in Virginia. All I am trying to say is be diligent, be prepared, and always remember SERVPRO.

Who should I call?

5/5/2020 (Permalink)

Imagine you just had some sort of storm come through your area. You now have a water intrusion and you need help to get it dried out. You have never done this before so you aren't exactly sure where to start. Some friends start making suggestions on different providers, but you want the best and you won't make your mind up until you have the best. Then you start finding out bits and pieces of this company called SERVPRO. You look into the upstart of the company, how they have over 1,600 offices in the United States and you see how they have a house onsite at the corporate office that they smoke and flood, all of these little things add up to SERVPRO, simply the best.

Could you get the water

5/4/2020 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO of Pottstown we are available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, it does not matter large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage. We understand when you call us you may be feeling confused, stressed and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time.

We specialize in water damage restoration in fact it is the cornerstone of our business. In fact at SERVPRO we can handle any job you got you are never to big or to small for SERVPRO. Look for additional reading in part two.

Could you get the water pt 2

5/4/2020 (Permalink)

What to expect, when you call us we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring. Including how many trained SERVPRO professionals may be needed. Our SERVPRO representative will ask you several questions. Your name and contact information, your insurance information, the street address of the water damaged home or business, when did the flooding of water damage happen and what caused the water damage, is there electricity available on site. Because SERVPRO specializes in cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial properties after a water loss. You as our customer will have the assurance that your situation will be handled with the upmost care and the fact that we will treat your property as if it were ours. 

What type do you have

5/4/2020 (Permalink)

There are two different types of water loss, clean and contaminated. Clean water is from a broken pipe or other water source, rain water is also considered clean. The term gray water is used to classify slightly contaminated water. Clean water becomes gray water when it is left untreated allowing bacteria and other contaminates to begin growing, making the water hazardous. Black water is highly contaminated and filled with fungi, bacteria, chemicals and more. Black water is typically caused by sewage damage, flooding or natural disaster. Black water should always be handled by a trained professional. Call your local SERVPRO for quick service and we will be able to assist in the best course of action to get your home or business back to normal  

Calling all buyers

5/4/2020 (Permalink)

Are you selling your home? If you are we can help. How, you may ask? Well we can come in and give your home the thorough cleaning it needs to add value to your home. Who knows you might decide to stay in your home when you see the way our techs will leave your property. Starting we can professionally clean your floors, be they hard wood, laminate or carpet. We can even deep clean your furniture so that you will entice potential buyers when they see and smell how clean your home is. We can also clean your ducts which will extend the life and efficiency of your HVAC system. We can do all this and more, you did not know that SERVPRO did all of that.

Is it a show

5/4/2020 (Permalink)

Due the popular TV shows in recent years the phenomenon known as hoarding has been brought to the attention of the general public. According to an article published in Psychology Today hoarding can relieve and add anxiety and stress to individuals who suffer with this disorder. It is estimated that approxmately 1 in every 50 people suffer from the disorder. So what do you do when you run across a situation like this? You call SERVPRO who are trained and equipped to handle the clean out of a home or an apartment that has been crammed with stuff. Always wearing personal protective equipment when going into a home such as this you never know what biological issues you may run accross. So call us and we will take care of your home the SERVPRO way.

Wow that smells

5/4/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO not only does fire and water restoration, but all types of cleaning also? We do water, fire, soot, mold, bio-hazard, carpet, upholstery, and all flooring. We use many chemicals and techniques in order to get the truest clean and the best odor removal. We have the best completely plant based, organic cleaners and we also utilize ozone to get the property clean and smelling great. I had an apartment building in Collegeville, the woman called because she could not get rid of a foul odor in a apartment. We went down and ozoned the property and 24 hours later she had a fresh-smelling apartment. It is just one of the things we do at SERVPRO and we do it the SERVPRO way.

Different types of fires

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot are very invasive and can penetrate various cavities in your home, causing hidden damage and odor. At SERVPRO our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspectand accurately assess the extent of damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action. Smoke and soot facts are as follows. Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure. Smoke flows around plumbing systems seeping through the holes used in pipes to go from floor floor. The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoraton process.

Different types of smoke, so there are two different types of smoke wet smoke and dry smoke. As a result there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Follow this blog for a second posting.

7 things to help you reduce the risk

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

As the title states there are 7 things you can do to help you reduce the risk of a fire. Keep anything flammable at least 3 feet from the heating equipment. Remember to turn off portable heaters when leaving the room or going to bed. Always use the correct type of fuel specified by the manufacturer for your fuel burning space heaters. Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Also ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container. Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a certified professional. Have a qualified professional do any installation of space heating equipment, water heater or central heating equipment according to local codes and manufacturers' instructions.

What are you going to do

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Do you have a plan? how quickly can your company get back to business as usual if a disaster strikes. Contact your local SERVPRO office and set up an ERP- Emergency Ready Plan. Having this plan in place will minimize business interruption by having a immediate plan of action in place for your facility. The ERP is a comprehensive document containing critical information about your business including but not limited to your emergency contact the shut off valves and the location of them. You can also download a copy on your phone via a app this way your plan is always ready to go. Having a plan in place may help minimize the amount of time that your business is inactive and get you back in the building

Spring is in the air

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

We have all heard of the term spring cleaning; it means something different to everyone. For some it is going through the closets and donating clothing to charities. For others it is cleaning the office from top to bottom, wiping down the baseboards, having the carpets professionally cleaned. We at SERVPRO think of it as a once a year cleaning for your place of business. Now remember I mentioned the roof to the floor, well with the duct work it is important to clean out the bacteria that can form in these units by themselves, and if not cleaned properly can begin to grow mold. So when you turn on your unit make certain it smells fresh and clean, as it is money well invested the SERVPRO way.

Well done

4/30/2020 (Permalink)

I was rather surprised the other day when you contacted me by telephone, stating that my girlfriend had overpaid for the services you provided at her townhome after taking care of a water loss. I indicated that I was surprised because my girlfriend was unaware of the overpayment and your phone call to me as the coordinator of the project, indicated your integrity and honesty with regards to how you conduct your business practices. It has been my experience in more recent years to find that I am consistently disappointed with that which I am paying for. The refreshment of your phone call and the fact that you gave her back the money she had overpaid gave me cause to consider it is not lost in the world of business.

No more mold

4/29/2020 (Permalink)

We got a phone call from a restaurant owner and he said he had a problem with mold. So we went over to look at the problem and discuss what we would do in order to rectify the situation. They agreed and we proceeded with the estimation of the work. As we inspected the property we came across what appeared to be the problem; in the back of the dishwasher we found a slight water leak that through the years formed mold. So after we pulled the dishwasher we found why the water was leaking. It seemed that a water line that feeds the dishwasher got pinned at the end so problem solved. It just shows that when you do your job right the first time things work out. That customer was so happy that he has used SERVPRO for the building exclusively.

Playing with the big boys

4/29/2020 (Permalink)

We got a call to check out a hotel. It is a national chain of upscale hotels. When I met with the chief engineer to look at the affected areas there were 18 rooms that all had mold. We did an estimate for them, they said no it is too high, so having this thought that they were going to say no I countered the proposal and they went for it. So we got a dumpster called and ordered the drywall for the job plus all of the other items. On the day we started to pull the wall apart and completed the job slated for two months in one month the national manager of purchasing was so pleased when he saw the job completed. It just proves that we are SERVPRO. We can be as large as you need us or as small.


4/28/2020 (Permalink)

Coronavirus, it seems to be the hot topic of the day and respectfully so. With so many places shutting down and people not knowing what they are going to do. This is the time when we can rise above the rest of the other providers in the field. Why you might ask, I will tell you why, because we are SERVPRO and doing what is above and beyond the needed scope of work is why we are in business. For all the of the people that are out there need a service like SERVPRO. The restaurant you like to visit, the church you worship in, the school where your child spends 7 hours a day what are these places the places are community and when the fog clears after the mess is cleaned up they will remember you the SERVPRO guy or gal but most of all they will remember that you cared.

Hometown Heroes

4/28/2020 (Permalink)

There have been many local businesses and community members who have donated to brighten the days of their hometown heroes. Pottstown hospital is very grateful for their support during this challenging time. They were so happy and thankful for making there lives that much easier. You see they got from SERVPRO two cases of N95 mask. That is just like SERVPRO always ready to help and when your customer needs you answer the call. This makes me think of a saying " hero's by the paths they choose not by the powers they are given " This is the driving force behind SERVPRO and what we do day in day out. Next time you are faced with a situation choose to be be a hero by the paths you choose.

Never looked so clean

4/28/2020 (Permalink)

A local business in the area had us come and look at a floor that was pretty dirty. The icing on the cake was that this place was a food manufacture for cakes and candies special occasion type of things. When we arrived on site the place was a disaster we met with the representative for the store and later after touring the facility we sat and spoke about what she wanted done and how we can assist her business. After looking at the pictures and deliberating about the measurements we drew a final estimate up and it was $2000 dollars cheaper than who was doing the floor currently. So needless to say they were thrilled at the fact that they got SERVPRO service for a cheaper price that they were paying. At the end of the service they said the floor has never looked so clean. So we signed them up for a biannual cleaning. To that I said it is the SERVPRO way. 


11/29/2019 (Permalink)

Do you have the proper size gutters on your home?  How do you know; well follow this handy guide. 5 inch K-style gutters or 6-inch half-rounds, are able to handle the rainfall on most houses in most parts of the country. But houses with big, steep roofs or those located in heavy rainfall areas with heavy downpours may need wider gutters and extra downspouts to keep rainwater from overflowing.

First, you'll need to calculate the square footage of the gutter's drainage area. For a gable-end roof, you only need to make 2 calculations, one for each slope. Intersecting roofs have multiple facets. For those you'll need to add up the area (length x width) of each surface within a drainage area to get the total square footage. Contact a home improvement expert to offer help and advice! 

Thanksgiving house fires

11/20/2019 (Permalink)

Unfortunately, Thanksgiving day is one of the busiest days of the year for fire departments. Believe it or not, the leading cause of house fires in America on Thanksgiving day is deep frying your turkey! You've been up since the wee hours of the morning starting to get all of your sides together and start planning out your day. Or maybe you're watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade through New York City.  The football game is on and everyone is in a great mood.  now comes time for the turkey.  Perhaps you have the deep fryer set up in the garage or back patio.  When you add the turkey to the heated oil, that spells disaster.  You must use caution when doing so!  We certainly hope this doesn't affect anyone in our region, but if it does, call us. 610-327-9644

May is National Building Safety Month

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

Building Safety Month is an initiative of the International Code Council (ICC). Hosting over 64,000 members worldwide, the ICC and their partners bring education and awareness to insurance and commercial property professionals as well as the general public. Their goal is always the same; to provide safe, resilient, affordable and energy efficient homes and buildings. In the US, each area of the country tends to have different weather situations that primarily affect them.  California is known for it's wild fires and mudslides.  Louisiana, Florida, Georgia and the Carolina's are known for hurricanes. The Mid-west, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas and known as "Tornado Alley" Armed with this knowledge, when you purchase or begin construction of a new building, you have better ideas to keep everyone who works or lives in them safe. 


4/25/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton is the local company you can call to handle any type of disaster and cleanup? It's true. We are certified professionals who handle the clean up after any and all types of crime scenes. Methamphetamine labs, arson, vandalism, even bloodborne pathogens and homicides. We are knowledgeable and trained to properly dispose of all of these hazardous materials. Any exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health risks for the general public. SERVPRO has the necessary safety equipment needed to be able to do the job correctly.  We employ personal protective equipment, primarily Tyvec suits and respirators when dealing with these situations. We hope you never find yourself in this position, but if you do, give us a call. 610-327-9644. SERVPRO cares. 

It fell uphill

4/10/2019 (Permalink)

You can't help but look at nature sometimes and be in complete awe; and then complete confusion. How does a tree fall uphill? Literally, how does it happen. It sits at the bottom of a hill in a gully and yet, it managed to uproot itself in an upward direction, hence, uphill. As you can see in the picture, it's leaning against the shed that it is partially covering and another tree branch very high up. We've had some vicious rains and wind lately, but this seems strange even under those conditions. The homeowner wanted to handle the job himself, but after careful consideration he's decided to call in a professional tree removal and landscape company. If this were to fall the other way, it would block their driveway. 

Who knew?

4/1/2019 (Permalink)

Have you even been standing at your kitchen sink doing dishes and all of a sudden you feel your feet getting wet?  You open the cabinet doors and see that the piping has completely come apart. How can this be? It's odd, but the main cause of this is hot water. If you make a lot of pasta or boil potatoes or things like that and you then dump the boiling hot water down the drain, you are causing the expansion, and eventual warping, of the plastic.  One of the easiest ways to avoid this is to run cold water while you are dumping the hot water. This will act as a counterbalance and should avoid the fittings from coming loose in the future, avoiding leaks! 

SERVPRO, it's who we are!

3/22/2019 (Permalink)

Every morning on your way to work, you pass by a local SERVPRO franchise building. You see the green trucks and you know the name, but what is it exactly that SERVPRO does? Well, we are an emergency management company that handles the cleanup after any type of issue, be it a large loss or just a minor inconvenience. We are the people you want to call if you sump pump fails and you have water in your basement. Or maybe you had a fire and it destroyed part of your home. Perhaps you're just looking to have your carpets cleaned for the holidays. We also handle all bio-hazard clean up. We strive to provide the best service to anyone no matter how big or small. Call us, we're available 24/7 and we're local! 610-327-9644

On the horizon

3/16/2019 (Permalink)

While there are no big storms forecast for the Mid-Atlantic or New England states right now, it doesn't mean we can be lax. The old saying goes that "March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb". The storm that came through our area on Sun March 3 absolutely proved that old saying true. It appears that we are finally going to head into spring and that March will "go out like a lamb". We do caution everyone though that with the rain and snowmelt, the ground is saturated so this can cause water intrusions. Be aware and check your basements and sump pumps daily just to make sure there is no issue and you don't end up with mold. If you do need us, please call us at 610-327-9644. We're available 24/7 for our neighbors. 


3/14/2019 (Permalink)

Spring is almost here! We're ready to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with the 1st bonfire of the season. You pick a Saturday night, call some friends and look forward to a relaxing night around a fire. There's some music in the background and everyone is just talking and catching up on life. Everything is going well but have you thought about the dangers? For those with asthma or allergies, breathing in that smoke can be irritating and cause for concern. Try and move yourself out of the path of the smoke and try not to breathe it in. Beware of ash falling and always keep water nearby to properly and safely extinguish the fire. Enjoy yourself and your company but be responsible. 

Spring thaw

3/13/2019 (Permalink)

As we head into spring, we tend to get excited when we think of longer days with more daylight and the fragrant smell of fresh blooming flowers and trees. Baseball season starts, kids play outside longer and we enjoy the warmer temps. Now is the perfect time to call your local SERVPRO franchise and schedule a complete and thorough cleaning of your HVAC system. 610-327-9644  The system has been sitting, closed up all winter and you will want to have the ducts cleaned and the unit itself serviced. Bacteria, dust, pollen and a host of other things could have built up in the ducts over the season. in order to avoid a horrible experience for any customers that suffer from allergies, call us today. SERVPRO cares. 

One phone call to the pro's.

3/12/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is the industry leader in fire and water cleanup and restoration. SERVPRO's are multi faceted franchises that not only do Water and Fire mitigation but also Mold remediation and abatement, bio-hazard cleanup and general cleaning. We do everything from cleaning carpets to sewer backups to mold removal and any type of bodily fluid cleaning.  You just never know what situation you may find yourself in and we are highly trained professionals who can handle every case with the highest levels of integrity and professionalism. We pride ourselves on doing the job correctly and safely the first time. We are here in your local community and we're available to you any time day or night. Please give us a call at 610-327-9644.

Be diligent, be prepared.

3/8/2019 (Permalink)

With the recent tornado that just struck in Alabama, it should get us all thinking about safety and escape routes. It's not something we want to think about, but you must come up with an evacuation plan should something happen. You must always be diligent and be aware of your surroundings. Know where emergency exits are and place your self as close to them as possible. Keep your eyes open for the quickest and most open path to an exit. Whether you're enjoying dinner out or relaxing at home, when the weather turns vicious and you only have a few precious seconds to react, you want the best chance possible to get yourself and everyone else to safety. We're here for our neighbors 100%. Call us should you ever need us. 610-327-9644.

Is it safe?

3/7/2019 (Permalink)

How can you tell the difference between clean water and dirty water? Clean water is from a broken pipe or other water source; rainwater is considered clean. Gray water is used to classify slightly contaminated water. Clean water becomes gray water when it is left untreated allowing bacteria and other contaminates to begin growing, making the water hazardous.  Black water is highly contaminated and filled with fungi, bacteria, chemicals and more. Black water is usually caused by sewage damage, flooding, or a natural disaster. Black water should always be handled by trained professionals. Call your local SERVPRO Franchise professionals at 610-327-9644 and we will be able to assist you in the best course of action to get your home or business back to normal. You can also find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Soot webs

3/6/2019 (Permalink)

After a fire, you are dealing with tons of emotions and lots of questions.  How did it start? What do I do now? How am I going to move on from here?  Once the fire fire investigators are finished with their portion, the fire marshal usually allows people access to their home, or what's left of it. When you walk back into your home and see tons and tons of spider webs, you wonder to yourself...how did I miss that in my cleaning. the answer is, you didn't. Those aren't spider webs; they're soot webs. Soot webs form when molecules cling to each other like magnets and form a chain. They settle into corners due the cooler temps. We hope you never do, but please call your local SERVPRO franchise at 610-327-9644 if you ever need our services after a fire. 

Flood insurance

3/4/2019 (Permalink)

Floods are the most widespread natural disaster aside from wildfires.   A 2000 square foot home undergoing 12 feet of water damage could cost more than $50,000 to repair. According to FEMA, flash floods can bring walls of water from 10 to 20 feet high. Flooding can be caused by spring thawing (snow and frozen grounds melting in the spring), heavy rains, snow melt runoff, and mudflows. In preparation for a flood, it is important to stock up on first aid items, non-perishable foods, three gallons of water per person for three days, battery operated radio for weather reports, extra batteries and personal hygiene necessities.Call you local SERVPRO Franchise professionals at 610-327-9644 to come and asses your damage or contact us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton.

Avoiding the damage

2/26/2019 (Permalink)

The cold weather can have a huge impact on your home or business if you are not properly prepared. To help prevent costly damages due to weather, consider taking the following precautions to protect your property. 

Check your property for downed limbs and branches. Heavy rain, ice, wind and snow can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to your home or business. 

Roofs, water pipes and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper working order.

inspect your property, especially walkways and parking lots, for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazard potential. Also be sure there are no cracks in the walkways or parking lots that would allow water to build up and freeze. 

If you are in need of our services, please remember we are here for our neighbors 24/7. Call us at 610-327-9644

ERP - What are they and how do they help?

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

50% of businesses may never reopen following a disaster...don't be one of them. Do you have a plan?  How quickly can your company get back to "business as usual" if a disaster strikes?  Contact your local SERVPRO Franchise and set up an ERP-Emergency Ready Program.  The ERP is a comprehensive document containing critical information about your business including: Emergency Contact info, Shut-off Valve Locations and Priority Areas. The ERP is also accessible online; download SERVPRO's free Ready Plan app to access this info at any time. The ERP establishes your local SERVPRO Franchise as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider. Knowing what to do and who to call in advance is key to quick response and timely mitigation. 

Contact your local SERVPRO franchise 610-327-9644 or on Facebook at  www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Is it still edible?

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

After a fire, is it safe to eat any of the food that you had stored? Once the fire marshal has determined it is safe for you to enter the premises to inspect the damage, the first thing you want to do is follow a checklist for safety.

Don't use any canned or pre-packaged food or beverages that may have been exposed to heat or contamination.

Do not attempt to shampoo the carpet or upholstered furniture.

Don't send any soft goods like draperies, clothing and bedding to a regular drycleaner. This needs to be done by a professional restoration company.

If you find yourself in this predicament, reach out to your local SERVPRO Franchise professionals at 610-327-9644 or connect with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Wires, cords and fires.

2/14/2019 (Permalink)

If you are anything like me, you do not think that a little nick or chunk taken out of any sort of power cord, could cause damage, let alone a full scale fire. I'm very guilty of this and I have just wrapped electrical tape around them instead of replacing the cord itself. but how did the cuts and nicks get there in the first place?  Is it from being walked on? Or just general wear and tear of plugging things in and out? For me, the culprit was a 4.5 pound little ball of fluff in the form of an adorable bunny rabbit. He's a cute little bugger but he's destructive so I must constantly keep my eyes on him.  I can't begin to tell you how many replacement cords I've purchased. Always keep your eyes on your pets to avoid anything that could resemble a fire hazard. 

Washers and dryers and fires.

2/14/2019 (Permalink)

According to the statistics from the National Fire Protection Association from 2010-2014 there was an estimated average of 15,970 home structure fires that involved a washing machine or dryer.  Over that 4 year period there were 13 civilian deaths, 444 civilian injuries and $238 million in property damage.  Most of the fires involved the dryer itself.  When the dust, lint and fibers build up in the lint trap, it can cause a fire. As for the washer, those fires tend to be more related to that actual washer itself. Wire insulation, drive belts and housings or casings seem to be the culprit there. Your local SERVPRO franchise is trained to handle all sorts of fires, so give us a call if you need us. 610-327-9644

Winter "To Do" list

1/16/2019 (Permalink)

There are so many issues that can arise around your home or business due the weather. In areas of the county that get a pretty decent amount of cold air, there is more snowfall and ice accumulation that needs to be addressed. You should always check your home or business for anything that could impede the flow of water away from your rooftops or anywhere that it could cause a hazard.  Be sure that your gutters are cleaned out so you don't get water which can cause an ice dam.  Be sure that any fallen tree limbs or branches are picked up and not laying in walkways, driveways, or parking lots. Check your stone and brick walkways and make sure there aren't any cracks. If you do run into an issue, please call your local SERVPRO office at 610-327-9644.

Protecting your home for the Winter

1/3/2019 (Permalink)

Winter is here, believe it or not. Here are a few steps that you can do to prevent a water damage to your home over the coming months.  Drain the water from all of your faucets and hoses. By doing so, you prevent the water from freezing in the lines and possibly causing a pipe burst. Make sure that your lines are well insulated. Be certain to keep your thermostat at at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Regardless of whether you have a finished or unfinished basement, check your sump pump. If it fails, you can end up with a lot of moisture and even mold. Clean your gutters.  Be sure they are clear of debris and anything that could cause them to not allow water to drain away from your home.  If you need our services, please call us 24/7 at 610-327-9644. SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton cares! 

Extinguishers; which one to use when

10/19/2018 (Permalink)

We all know that we should keep fire extinguisher's in our homes and businesses...but which ones do we need?  It depends on the type of fire. The most common is Class A. This is used to put out most ordinary things like clothing, paper, plastics and wood.  Class B is for grease, oil or gasoline. Class C is for appliances, tools or other electrical equipment.  Class D is for flammable metals, mostly only found in factories and manufacturing plants. And lastly is Class K.  This is for animal fats and vegetable oils and are primarily found in commercial kitchens but are beginning to make their way into residences as well. If you don't have an extinguisher and you find yourself with a grease fire in your kitchen, remember Do Not use Water, throw baking soda on it instead! 

"The Rut"

10/9/2018 (Permalink)

According to 2017 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics Report published by PennDot there were 4,258 reported crashes involving a deer.  It's important to take into consideration that white tailed deer in PA are on the move in "rut" in the fall months. The bucks are chasing the does and this means hazards on the roadways for drivers.  We should always be careful, but we find this time of year to be particularly challenging.  The worst times seem to be at dusk and dawn. Always drive cautiously and never drive distracted! Keep your eyes on the road and scan for deer crossing signs. Always wear your seat belt. These are just a few tips to keep everyone as safe as possible on the roads this year! 

DIY nightmare

10/3/2018 (Permalink)

Do It Yourself is all the rage right now. With sites like Pintrest ruling social media, everyone has ideas to make everyone else's lives easier, simpler, or more affordable.  Ideas range from making a table out of old skids or pallets to making jewelry.  There are cleaning "hacks" and life "hacks" and everything in between.  Craft ideas to do with your children during summer break or on a day with no school due to inclement weather. Whatever you're searching for, you can find. The attached picture shows exactly what can go wrong even with adult supervision. The kids were melting Crayons on the stove for a project when it caught fire and you can see the results on the ceiling.  We were called for the restoration and cleaning after the fire was put out. 

A closed up house leads to mold

9/26/2018 (Permalink)

We were called out to estimate a job a few years ago and when we got onsite, the smell was overpowering. It turns out, the house had been closed up for a few months and unbeknownst to anyone, there was a failure that put multiple feet of water in the basement. The stagnant water, being left unmitigated, caused mold to grow throughout the entire house.  All ceilings, doorways, ceiling fans, window frames, banisters, every single surface had mold. And all different types and colors of mold. In our business, we've seen it all and dealt with it all.  You should always hire a professional company when you are dealing with mold to be sure it is remediated properly and to avoid future issues. You can also hire an environmental hygienist to come in and do an air quality test. If you suspect mold, please call your local SERVPRO office and we can send someone out for an estimate. 610-327-9644.

Hot days

7/24/2018 (Permalink)

Warning! Coming into the dog days of summer, we all need to be more aware of the dangers of leaving pets and children in cars.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) a child's body heats up three to five times faster than an adult's. A child's major organs begin to shut down when his or her body temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit. A child can die when body temps reach 107 degrees. On average, in the first ten minutes, a vehicle's internal temperature will rise by 19 degrees. In areas across the country where outside temps are at or above 90 degrees, the temps inside of the vehicle can be fatal for children in 10 minutes time. We hear horror stories on the news all the time of someone inadvertently leaving their children or pet in the car.  If you see something, say something. SERVPRO cares, always! 

A mid-summer's night

7/19/2018 (Permalink)

As we find ourselves halfway through July, what are some of the things you enjoy about summer? For us, it's standing on the deck at night, breathing in the night air, and watching the firefly's (lightnin' bugs) if you're from SE Pennsylvania. But what about the nights that the humidity is so thick, you can't stand to be outside. Fortunately, most people can regulate the humidity levels inside their homes to make it comfortable. Outside, is a whole different story.  In the picture, you can see where black mold has formed all over the ceiling of a utility shed. This was attached to the back of a home and housed the lawn mower. Thankfully, the homeowner caught this in time and the mold did not spread to the main house. If you find mold anywhere in your home, give us a call! SERVPRO of Pottstown/Soudertown 610-327-9644

Ugh, pollen.

5/15/2018 (Permalink)

For those of us that suffer with seasonal allergies, this year is proving especially miserable. The amount of pollen in the air this year is truly unbearable. There are multiple over the counter medications that you can take, but do you really get relief? We're all tempted to open the widows and let our houses "air out" from the Winter season, but this is the worst thing allergy sufferers can do. the pollen spores come right in through your screens and get all over the furniture, in the rugs, on your bed linens and towels. You go to bed at night and wake up with a stuffy nose and itchy, watery eyes in the morning.  Another cause is our air conditioners. Whether you have window units or a central ac unit, you need to have them properly cleaned prior to use. the pollen, dust and mold, builds up over the winter season and when you turn them on, they blow all that stuff into the air and circulate it through the home. Call your local SERVPRO franchise and we'll come clean your units to prevent this. 610-327-9644.

Slow leak on water heater

5/4/2018 (Permalink)

Water heaters are the greatest things since sliced bread. Well, not really, but they do provide us with hot water to wash clothes, take long showers or to fill up the bathtub for a glorious soak after a hard day. We all enjoy these conveniences, but everything comes with a caveat. What happens when the water heater leaks? The water heater was sitting on a sleeper floor and it had a very slow leak. The homeowners weren't alerted to anything because they didn't notice a drop in water pressure or anything that would tip them off. You can see just how bad it rotted the floor. If this had been placed in a more prominent part of the home or if there was a significant change in water pressure or temperature, this situation could have been rectified before it got to this point. We recommend that you check your furnace, water heaters and other appliances at least once a month to spot problems before they start. 

Ventilation is key

5/2/2018 (Permalink)

Proper ventilation in your home or business is the difference between mold and no mold. We recently did an estimate on a home where the customer had a low profile roof vent installed when he put his new roof on in order to make his home more aesthetically pleasing. Even though he had soffit vents, it still wasn't enough to create the proper vacuum needed to release all of the moisture. Most older homes "breathe" and can get away with having just a few Gable vents and they work well. Todays builders, tend to really make the houses tight so they require a lot more ventilation. If you suspect that you have a mold problem, please call your local SERVPRO franchise and we can come and give you an estimate. 610-327-9644 

Leaky pipes

4/25/2018 (Permalink)

So you head downstairs in the basement to do the worst chore of all time, laundry, and lo and behold you find the floor is wet.  You look around and realize it's coming from upstairs.  Off you go to investigate, and it turns out there is a pipe in the wall in your bathroom that is leaking. The bathroom floor isn't wet, but the wall is. You have no idea how long this has been going on and your on the hunt for a plumber. Once the plumber has come and fixed your leaky pipe, you will need to check to see if you've developed any mold from this unknown leak. The best bet, is to call your local SERVPRO franchise. We can send someone to your home for an inspection and determine if you do have mold and the best way to treat it. 

Beauty salon disaster

4/11/2018 (Permalink)

Weather plays an integral part of our everyday life whether we know it or not. You wake up and start your day. You have coffee, grab a shower and some breakfast and out the door you go. It's cold, but you are a Pennsylvania native so you bundle up a little more and prepare to deal with your day. Your drive to work is pretty uneventful, but when you get there, it's a whole different ball game.  There was a crawl space that wasn't properly insulated years ago and there was a crack in a doorway close to there that allowed air in and to freeze the pipes, the radiator specifically.  What a mess. 2 inches of water are now covering the entire shop from front to back.  The waiting room to the stylists stations and everywhere in between. it's too much to handle on your own, you need the experts. And all of this, because of the crazy snow storms and bitter cold temps in PA this winter. 

Winter Storm Riley - the aftermath

3/9/2018 (Permalink)

For those of us in the SE PA region, we are now in the clean up phase from Winter Storm Riley; and we're bracing for a possible 3rd Nor'easter coming Sunday night into Monday.   We're getting multiple phone calls a day from numerous people who are dealing with flooded basements. Most was a scenario that when we lost power, their sump pumps shut off causing the flooding. Some are dealing with trees down that have taken down power lines. Some had trees fall on their homes. At this point, now that the power is back on, we're dealing with mold concerns as well as the standing water. Mold will begin to grow 48-72 hours after exposure. You need to work quickly and thoroughly. We apply anti-microbial agents to the affected areas to attempt to avoid the spread of the mold spores. If you have any of these issues, please call your local SERVPRO Franchise professionals at 610-327-9644 or reach out to us online via www.Facebook.com/SERVPROpottstownsouderton

Winter Storm Riley

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

This past weekend, we in the general area of SE PA experienced quite a storm. The rain/snow that came was heavier in some spots but the biggest challenge we are facing now is the power outages due to the high winds. You local SERVPRO Franchise is here to help. We are gearing up for another storm supposedly coming mid week and then a second over the weekend. What can you do? Well, start by checking on your neighbors, especially the elderly and those with small children. You should have at least 1 gallon of water per person per day on hand. You should also have non-perishable food for all persons for a minimum of 3 days. Please be patient with the electric companies as their linemen are doing the best they can considering the circumstances. If you find yourself in need of our services, please reach out to us via phone at 610-327-9644 or on Facebook at  www.Facebook.comSERVPROpottstownsounderton

Does standing water cause mold?

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

Standing water can cause mold if not mitigated within 48 to 72 hours. If you have any type of leak or sump pump failure, standing water can and will begin to cause mold in that timeframe. You will want to contact your insurance company and see what you are covered for. Sump pump failures are generally considered category 2 water which means it's dirty and contains bacteria which could, potentially make you sick if exposed for too long. Most people start to clean up the water as best they can with mops, buckets and wet/dry vacuums. This is a great start but you'll need the professionals to come in and dry out the area, inspect for mold on the baseboards and drywall or cinderblock, and treat with antimicrobial if need be. Please call your local SERVPRO Franchise professionals for a free estimate! 610-327-9644 or connect with us on social media www.Facebook.com/SERVPROpottstownsouderton

Is winter over?

3/2/2018 (Permalink)

Cold weather can have a huge impact on your home or business if you are not properly prepared. To help prevent costly damages due to weather, consider taking the following precautions to protect your property. 

Check your property for downed limbs and branches. Heavy rain, ice, wind and snow can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to your home or business along with potential power outages. 

Roofs, downspouts and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper working order.

Inspect your property, especially walkways and parking lots, for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazard potential.  Contact your local SERVPRO Franchise professionals 24 hours a day if you determine that your home or business requires our services. We're always here to help! Call us 610-327-9644 or reach out of Facebook at www.facebook.com/SERVPROpottstownsouderton

Fire is out, now what?

2/26/2018 (Permalink)

You've had a fire in your home or business and it's been safely put out. What's your next step?  Once the fire marshal has determined it is safe for you to enter the premises to inspect the damage, the first thing you want to do is follow a checklist for safety.

Remove valuable items such as documents, old photos, and family heirlooms to a safe, dry place.

Wash both sides of plant leaves to remove soot and debris.

Don't attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture.

Don't use any canned or pre-packaged food or beverages that may have been exposed to heat or contamination.

Don't send any soft goods like draperies, clothing and bedding to a regular drycleaner. This needs to be done by a professional restoration companies. 

If you find yourself in this predicament, reach out to your local SERVPRO Franchise professionals at 610-327-9644 or connect with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Got mold...we can help!

2/23/2018 (Permalink)

Do you have a mold problem?  Mold is a type of fungus that grows in warm and damp environments. The most common places in a home that you would find mold would be the attic, ducts, bathrooms, kitchens and basements. There are different types of mold as well. Outdoor molds help with the decomposition of dead trees, compost piles and leaves. Indoor molds are generally referred to as black mold. This tends to be found in bathrooms and basements; any place that moisture gets trapped.  The best way to avoid it is to use fans and leave windows open while showering when you are able.  With spring right around the corner, be sure to open the windows and air out your home as best you can when the weather permits. if you do find mold, please contact us at 610-327-9644 or reach out to us on facebook at www.facebook.com/SERVPROpottstownsouderton.com

Carbon Monoxide, The Silent Killer.

2/21/2018 (Permalink)

You can't see, smell or taste carbon monoxide, but at high levels, it can kill a person in minutes. Carbon monoxide, or CO, is an invisible, odorless, colorless gas created when fuels like gasoline, wood, coal, natural gas and propane burn incompletely. According to the CDC, more than 400 Americans die from unintentional CO poisoning each year. It is estimated that another 20,000visit the emergency room, and more than 4,000 are hospitalized due to CO poisoning. To eliminate the risk factors, you should follow the tips provided by the United States Fire Administration. 

Have fuel-burning appliances, like oil and gas furnaces, gas or kerosene heaters, fireplaces, and wood stoves inspected and cleaned by a professional every year.

Open the damper for proper ventilation before using a fireplace. Never use your over or stovetop to heat your home.

if you need to warm a vehicle, remove it from the garage immediately after starting it. 

Make sure vents for the dryer, furnace, wood stove and fireplace are clear of snow and other debris. 

Reach out to your local SERVPRO Franchise professionals 610-327-9644 or on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton  if you've experienced any negative effects of carbon monoxide and you need a professional clean up team. 

Who cleans up the mess?

2/16/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technicians are trained to handle all types of cleanup. We're known for fire and water restoration, but only some people know that we also handle biohazard clean up. We've been called to different types of crime scenes such as arson, methamphetamine labs, blood-borne pathogens, sewer backups on abandoned properties and more. Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences for building occupants, employees, customers, and owners. A failure to properly handle and safely remove such hazardous substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments. Your local SERVPRO Franchise Professionals are trained to safely and efficiently remove bio-hazardous substances and prepare waste for proper disposal according to OSHA, EPA and your local state health codes. Armed with the necessary safety equipment and cleaning products, SERVPRO technicians help to turn unsafe environments into clean, safe homes and offices.  contact us at 610-327-9644 or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Valentine's day nightmare

2/14/2018 (Permalink)

So you want to relax and enjoy your night at home with your significant other. You order a gourmet dinner in, you watch a movie and enjoy few glasses of wine together.  You light a few candles to set the mood and the next thing you know, you get called into the other room to check on something. You've left the bedroom where the candles are burning and you start to smell smoke.  You rush back into the bedroom and realize that your romantic night has just turned into a nightmare. The cat has jumped up on the nightstand and knocked a candle onto the floor setting the carpet on fire. You all get out safely but now your watching your home burn. According to the NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association) approximately 25 home fires per day are caused by candles. Call your local SERVPRO Franchise at 610-327-9644 to help you get your life back to normal after a devastating fire. Our trained technicians know how to handle fire, soot and water cleanup.  You can also find us on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Dam ice!

2/9/2018 (Permalink)

Ice dams can be a little known but serious problem for your home or business during the winter season. They form when heated air melts roof snow downward into water dammed behind still-frozen ice.  When the trapped water cannot safely flow into the gutter system, it can backflow under the roof's shingles and into the structure's interior areas, as well as causing gutters and shingles to move or fall. To avoid this, make sure your gutters are cleaned out completely after all the leaves and debris have fallen of the trees in late fall.  Always check for water stains or moisture in your attic or the ceiling of exterior walls of you home. Removing an ice dam as soon as it is found is vital to help prevent damage. Call your local SERVPRO Franchise at 610-327-9644 to asses any damage. or reach out to us on Facebook. www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Property passes and fails.

2/5/2018 (Permalink)

Cold weather can have a huge impact on your home or business if you are not properly prepared. To help prevent costly damages due to weather, consider taking the following precautions to protect your property. 

Check your property for downed limbs and branches. Heavy rain, ice, wind and snow can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to your home or business. 

Roofs, water pipes and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper order.

inspect your property, especially walkways and parking lots, for proper drainage alleviate flood hazard potential.

Hidden hazards

2/2/2018 (Permalink)

Floods are one of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the United States. Whether your home or business is near a coastline, city streets or in the mountains, near a river or even in the desert-there is always potential for flood damage.  Floodsmart.gov reports, in the last 5 years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods. 

Stay away from floodwaters. If you come up on a flowing stream where the water is above you ankles, stop, turn and go another way. 6 inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off your feet. 

If you approach a flooded road, turn around-don't drown! If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rapidly rising, you must get our of the car as quickly as possible and move to higher ground! Most cars are swept away by less than 2 feet of moving water. 

Keep children out of the water! The potential for bacteria that can cause illness or even death, is rampant in floodwaters. 

If your home or business is affected by a flood, call your local SERVPRO Franchise 610-327-9644 and we'll guide you every step of the way to return your home or business to a safe environment for yourselves, pets, and employees. 

What's in your ducts?

1/24/2018 (Permalink)

Different contaminants can enter and collect in your air ducts that may diminish the indoor air quality of your home or office. Keeping your HVAC and ductwork clean can potentially extend the life-span of your equipment and improve your health. In some circumstances, such as after a fire, smoke, or suspected mold growth, duct cleaning becomes an essential part of the cleanup process. Other sources could be rodents, insects, dust, dirt, debris, bacteria, mold and pollen. Your local SERVPRO Franchise utilizes patented equipment, including a roto-scraper, which automatically adapts to the duct's shape and diameter while traveling through the duct, removing debris and filth before the vacuuming begins. Next, a powerful push-pull air delivery and collection system transfers the debris from the ducting to a 16-gallon container.  The air is filtered through a HEPA filtration system, removing up to 99.97%of the particles in the airstream. Filters will either be cleaned or replaced to remove odor and dirt.  The EPA recommends that you have your ducts inspected and cleaned at least once per year and prior to the start of the winter season, especially if you have a fuel-burning heat source like a furnace, fireplace, or pellet stove. Call your local SERVPRO Franchise to schedule your appointment. 610-327-9644

Mold, Is it in your home?

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

When there's a water intrusion. mold can quickly become a huge problem in your home or business. Mold can cause negative health effects and cause damage to your property. Your local SERVPRO Franchise has the training and expertise to inspect, contain, and remediate the mold. Various containment procedures are used to prevent the spread of mold and isolate the contaminated areas. Specialized filtration equipment capture microscopic mold spores out the air. SERVPRO techs use powerful air scrubbers and HEPA vacuums. The mold remediation process depends on the amount of mold and the types of surfaces on which the mold appears. Anti-fungal and anti-microbial treatments are used to eliminate mold colonies. Removing and disposing of porous materials like drywall and flooring, may be necessary to remediate heave mold growth.  If you suspect you have an issue, please contact your local SERVPRO Pottstown/Souderton to evaluate your situation. 610-327-9644

The Big Thaw !

1/8/2018 (Permalink)

Congratulations for surviving the big freeze of 2018!

   You and your property are not out of danger yet! The potential of major water damage to your property still looms. As the temperatures start to rise above 32 degrees for the first time in 2018, the potential dire consequences of a frozen pipe still may haunt you in the days to come. 

   Those pipes that were frozen but not apparently leaking just may thaw out with a vengeance to cause major water damage to your property. Pipes that froze this past week and ruptured the integrity of the copper or plastic but did not immediately leak are the hidden culprits that are awaiting to destroy your property. These frozen pipes were plugged with ice that initially prevented the pipe from leaking. However, as the temperatures rise and this hidden ice plug melts away, a big surprise may appear in the form of major water damage. So, if you noticed in the past week that some pipes in your house or business were frozen or some plumbing fixtures such as a toilet or faucet ceased to operate, this is may be a clear indication of an apparent ice plug that formed inside your pipe(s). Consequently, you may be in for a big surprise when following a few days of warmer temperatures, you property is now affected by damaging water leaks.

   So, for the next few days, be on a periodic inspection tour of your property. Look for any evidence of water damage and take the appropriate actions to stop the flow of water and further damage to your property. And in the unfortunate case that you do need professional assistance in properly drying out your property, we here at SERVPRO of Pottstown/Souderton (610-327-9644) will immediately assist you in your time of need.

Frozen Pipes

1/3/2018 (Permalink)


Help prevent extensive water damage from frozen pipes. When the temperature drops below 32 degrees, water pipes will freeze and burst. Byb following these important tips, these actions may decrease the possibility of major water damage from a broken pipe.

1) Maintain heat temperature at least 65 degrees.

2) Open cabinet and closet doors that have plumbing located within and especially if located along an exterior house/building wall. 

3) Keep pipe water moving by allowing water to slowly drip. Moving water freezes at a lower temperature.

4) Close inside water valves supplying water to outside hose bids/faucets.

5) Periodically, walk throughout your house/building and inspect for leaking water. This inspection is also important when the temperature rises above freezing. Some burst/frozen pipes do not leak until the ice thaws with rising temperatures.

Got Paid Too Much in East Greenville !!!

7/25/2016 (Permalink)

I was rather surprised the other day when you contacted me by phone, indicating that my daughter had "overpaid" for the services you provided at her condominium after a water leak........ I indicated that I was surprised because she (my daughter) was unaware of the overpayment and your phone call to me as the coordinator of the project, indicated your integrity and honesty with regards to how you conduct your business practices. It has been my experience in more recent years to find that I am consistantly disappointed with the service for which I'm paying. Thus, the refreshment of your phone call which was surprising to me in that you could have kept the 1800+ dollars and we would have not known there was in fact an overpayment due to the complexity of several insurance payments from multiple insurance companies, etc.. It gave me pause to consider that all is not lost in the world of business. As a retired business professional, I understand integrity, hoesty and the need for customers to believe in a business provider and feel that their money has been spent in a worthwhile manner.

Trappe house "For Sale" and inspector found mold

7/25/2016 (Permalink)

Thanks so much........ You have a great group working with you. The guys that came to our house were very friendly and got the job done so quickly. And, were very sweet to our dog, which makes a great impression. We will definitley recommend SERVPRO to anyone we know.

Does your Pottstown, Collegeville, Phoenixville, Telford, Harleysville home have a mold problem ?

6/21/2016 (Permalink)

Mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.  Reach out to your local SERVPRO franchise at 610-327-9644 or on at www.facebook.com/SERVPROpottstownsouderton


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