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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Biohazard Blog Posts

A person alone

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

On the date of June 7, we got a call to do a Biohazard job. It seems by the way that the landlord was talking to me about the job, when he called that the woman in question had died in her apartment. With that info we went in to the apartment, and found a mess of body fluids and flies everywhere. So with full PPE we began the job of doing the cleaning for the Biohazard. Our dumpster guy set up and we began to clean the apartment, one thing that we noticed was that there were feces spots and urine spots under the clothing on the floor. This meant we had to gut the entire apartment so with that in mind we started to gut the apartment. It was so sad that poor lady she passed and did not have anyone to fend for her.       


4/28/2020 (Permalink)

Coronavirus, it seems to be the hot topic of the day and respectfully so. With so many places shutting down and people not knowing what they are going to do. This is the time when we can rise above the rest of the other providers in the field. Why you might ask, I will tell you why, because we are SERVPRO and doing what is above and beyond the needed scope of work is why we are in business. For all the of the people that are out there need a service like SERVPRO. The restaurant you like to visit, the church you worship in, the school where your child spends 7 hours a day what are these places the places are community and when the fog clears after the mess is cleaned up they will remember you the SERVPRO guy or gal but most of all they will remember that you cared.

Who cleans up the mess?

2/16/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technicians are trained to handle all types of cleanup. We're known for fire and water restoration, but only some people know that we also handle biohazard clean up. We've been called to different types of crime scenes such as arson, methamphetamine labs, blood-borne pathogens, sewer backups on abandoned properties and more. Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences for building occupants, employees, customers, and owners. A failure to properly handle and safely remove such hazardous substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments. Your local SERVPRO Franchise Professionals are trained to safely and efficiently remove bio-hazardous substances and prepare waste for proper disposal according to OSHA, EPA and your local state health codes. Armed with the necessary safety equipment and cleaning products, SERVPRO technicians help to turn unsafe environments into clean, safe homes and offices.  contact us at 610-327-9644 or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SERVPROofpottstown/souderton

Hidden hazards

2/2/2018 (Permalink)

Floods are one of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the United States. Whether your home or business is near a coastline, city streets or in the mountains, near a river or even in the desert-there is always potential for flood damage.  Floodsmart.gov reports, in the last 5 years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods. 

Stay away from floodwaters. If you come up on a flowing stream where the water is above you ankles, stop, turn and go another way. 6 inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off your feet. 

If you approach a flooded road, turn around-don't drown! If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rapidly rising, you must get our of the car as quickly as possible and move to higher ground! Most cars are swept away by less than 2 feet of moving water. 

Keep children out of the water! The potential for bacteria that can cause illness or even death, is rampant in floodwaters. 

If your home or business is affected by a flood, call your local SERVPRO Franchise 610-327-9644 and we'll guide you every step of the way to return your home or business to a safe environment for yourselves, pets, and employees.