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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

A person alone

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

On the date of June 7, we got a call to do a Biohazard job. It seems by the way that the landlord was talking to me about the job, when he called that the woman in question had died in her apartment. With that info we went in to the apartment, and found a mess of body fluids and flies everywhere. So with full PPE we began the job of doing the cleaning for the Biohazard. Our dumpster guy set up and we began to clean the apartment, one thing that we noticed was that there were feces spots and urine spots under the clothing on the floor. This meant we had to gut the entire apartment so with that in mind we started to gut the apartment. It was so sad that poor lady she passed and did not have anyone to fend for her.       

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