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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Wow that smells

5/4/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know that SERVPRO not only does fire and water restoration, but all types of cleaning also? We do water, fire, soot, mold, bio-hazard, carpet, upholstery, and all flooring. We use many chemicals and techniques in order to get the truest clean and the best odor removal. We have the best completely plant based, organic cleaners and we also utilize ozone to get the property clean and smelling great. I had an apartment building in Collegeville, the woman called because she could not get rid of a foul odor in a apartment. We went down and ozoned the property and 24 hours later she had a fresh-smelling apartment. It is just one of the things we do at SERVPRO and we do it the SERVPRO way.

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