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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Flooding possible

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

According to FEMA, flash floods can bring walls of water from 10 to 20 feet high. Flooding can be caused by spring thawing snow and frozen grounds melting in the spring, heavy rain, snow melt runoff, and mudflows. Floods are the most widespread natural disaster aside from wildfires. In preparation for a flood, it is important to stock up on first aid items, non perishable floods, three gallons of water per person. A 2000 square foot home undergoing 12 feet of water damage could cost more than $50,000 to repair. Call your local SERVPRO they can help you asses your damage. Did you know that SERVPRO handles cases like the one presented. Our operations manager will handle the claim in its entirety from start to finish.

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