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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Are you prepared?

5/17/2021 (Permalink)

We all know of the dangers involved with storms of any kind, but are we truly prepared to deal with it if and when it happens?  Storms aren't just thunder and lighting and wind. They can be a full scale power outage with downed tree branches or whole trees blocking roadways and creating havoc. What is your escape plan should you need one?  When was the last time you and your family sat down, discussed an escape plan and then practiced it?  Most don't even think about it until it happens. Being prepared is sincerely the best option. You must take all things into account and make a plan based on the info you have at the time. Come up with alternate routes to leave your home if it comes to that. Always keep your info in an easy to grab spot so you aren't floundering later to find it. Your local SERVPRO office can and will help you formulate a plan should you request one. 

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