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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

No more mold

4/29/2020 (Permalink)

We got a phone call from a restaurant owner and he said he had a problem with mold. So we went over to look at the problem and discuss what we would do in order to rectify the situation. They agreed and we proceeded with the estimation of the work. As we inspected the property we came across what appeared to be the problem; in the back of the dishwasher we found a slight water leak that through the years formed mold. So after we pulled the dishwasher we found why the water was leaking. It seemed that a water line that feeds the dishwasher got pinned at the end so problem solved. It just shows that when you do your job right the first time things work out. That customer was so happy that he has used SERVPRO for the building exclusively.

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