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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The unseen damages from a fire

5/5/2021 (Permalink)

Unfortunately, you have experienced one of the biggest fears of being a property owner, A Fire! A fire not only damages and destroys what the human eye can only see, but also damages the unseen. Such as damages to your property’s HVAC system. When a dwelling fills up with smoke as a result of a fire, this same smoke is pulled into he HVAC system and distributed and circulated throughout the system. Be it smoke from grease, food, plastic, wood, furniture, etc., that smoke get captured inside the HVAC system’s air ducts. The offensive smoke odors will contaminate the ducts as well as attaching odor to any debris or dust within the ducts and filters manifesting into a lingering smell. An offensive smell that will definitely lead to poor air quality within the dwelling. In addition, clogged HVAC air filters will cause the HVAC system to work harder and possibly leading to a shortened system life. Weather the fire is extinguished via water or fire extinguisher, the HVAC system definitely requires a thorough cleaning. For these reasons, it is always mandatory following any type of fire that the HVAC system be inspected and cleaned to remove any dust, grease, debris buildup that will leave a lingering smell if not properly addressed.

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