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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration


Picture this, a mold remediation in an attic; demo phase.  You’re a certified SERVPRO technician and you’ve come across several hibernating brown bats. This is exactly the scenario that one of our technicians experienced. The homeowner had recently installed a new roof on their home late in the fall and the roofers had closed off all bat entrances and exits. Apparently, the bats must have gotten into the attic to hibernate prior to the roof openings being sealed off. Knowing that the bat population has recently experienced a drastic decrease, we wanted to assure the bats long term survival.  After safely capturing the bats and not wanting to release the bats into the frigid January temperatures, our office staff reached out to the Pennsylvania Game Commission http://www.pgc.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx.  The Game Commission referred us to the Diamond Rock Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (DRWRC) http://www.diamondrockwildlife.org/  in Malvern, PA. The director of DRWRC, Deb, organized a specific pick-up location where we were able to safely give her possession of the bats which we had successfully captured, unharmed. Following the transfer, Deb from DRWRC sent us a wonderful follow-up letter and explained that the bats were doing very well. And specifically, that the bats will be cared for at the rehab center throughout the winter until they can be released during the warmer months of spring.  Deb at DRWRC went above and beyond in her efforts in making sure that these little mammals were well taken care of. We at SERVPRO highly recommend Diamond Rock Wildlife Rehab Center to anyone that needs help with an orphaned or abandoned animal.